A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
History of Early American Landscape Design

Property:Reference Title

[http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/research/casva/research-projects.html A Project of the National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts ]

This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
An encyclopædia of gardening; comprising the theory and practice of horticulture, floriculture, arboriculture, and landscape-gardening, including all the latest improvements; a general history of gardening in all countries; and a statistical view of its present state with suggestions for its future progress, in the British Isles. By J.C. Loudon ... Illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood by Branston  +
An encyclopædia of gardening; comprising the theory and practice of horticulture, floriculture, arboriculture, and landscape-gardening, including all the latest improvements; a general history of gardening in all countries; and a statistical view of its present state with suggestions for its future progress, in the British Isles. By J.C. London ... Illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood by Branston  +
Columbian Magazine: or Monthly Miscellany Containing a View of the History, Manners, Literature, Characters of the Year 1789  +
Family Magazine or Monthly Abstract of General Knowledge  +
Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion  +
Gothic Architecture, Improved by Rules and Proportions. In many Grand Designs of Columns, Doors, Windows, Chimney-Pieces, Arcades, Colonades, Porticos, Umbrellos, Temples and Pavillions &c.  +
Green-wood Illustrated, in highly finished line engraving, from drawings taken on the spot / by James Smillie; with descriptive notices by Nehemiah Cleaveland  +
Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery, near Philadelphia  +
Historical collections of the state of New Jersey: containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the state  +
Homes of American Authors; Comprising Anecdotical, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches by Various Writers  +
Important American Schoolgirl Embroideries: The Landmark Collection of Betty Ring  +
Journal of Lewis Miller  +
Lewis Miller, Sketches and Chronicles: The Reflections of a Nineteenth-Century Pennsylvania German Folk Artist  +
Mount Auburn Illustrated. In highly finished line engraving, from drawings taken on the spot, by James Smillie. With descriptive notices by Cornelia W. Walter  +
Mutual Assurance Society, Richmond, Declaration for Assurance Book  +

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History of Early American Landscape Design contributors, "Property:Reference Title," History of Early American Landscape Design, , https://heald.nga.gov/mediawiki/index.php?title=Property:Reference_Title&oldid=41094 (accessed February 14, 2025).

A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts

National Gallery of Art, Washington