A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
History of Early American Landscape Design

Humphry Marshall

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Humphry Marshall (October 10, 1722-1801) was the author of the first American botanical imprint, Arbustum Americanum, and established the second botanic garden in America, located at his home in Chester County, Pennsylvania.


Marshall was born in Pennsylvania to English immigrants who were Quakers. He had a rudimentary education that ended at the age of twelve when he worked as a farm laborer and then apprenticed to a stone mason, a trade he followed for several years. [1] He built a stone house, Marshallton, as his residence in 1773.


  • Darlington, William, 1849, describing Marshallton, estate of Humphry Marshall, West Chester, Pa. (1849: 488)[2]
"The Botanic Garden, at Marshallton, was planned and commenced in the year 1773, and soon became the recipient of the most interesting trees and shrubs of our country, together with many curious exotics; and also of a numerous collection of our native herbaceous plants. A large portion of these yet survive, although the garden, from neglect, has become a mere wilderness;

while a number of our noble forest trees, such as Oaks, Pines, and Magnolias (especially the Magnolia acuminata), all planted by the hands of the venerable founder, have now attained to a majestic altitude."

  • Resolution of the Town Council of the Borough of West Chester, Pennsylvania, March 13, 1848 (Darlington, 1849: 492-93)[3]
"Whereas it has been deemed expedient and proper to improve the public Square, on which the upper reservoir connected with the Water-works of the borough is situated, by laying out the same in suitable walks, and introducing various ornamental trees and shrubbery: And whereas it will be convenient and necessary to designate the said Square by some appropriate name; And whereas the late Humphry Marshall of Chester County was one of the earliest and most distinguished horticulturists and botanists of our country, having established the second botanic garden in this republic; and also prepared and published the first treatise on the forest trees and shrubs of the United States, and diffused a taste for botanical science which entitles his memory to the lasting respect of his countrymen:

"Therefore resolved, by the Burgesses and Assistant Burgesses of the Borough of West Chester, in Council assembled, That the public Square, aforesaid, shall for ever hereafter be designated and known by the name of 'The Marshall Square,' in commemoration of the exemplary character, and scientific labours, of our distinguished fellow-citizen, the late Humphry Marshall, of West Bradford Township, Chester County."



American Philosophical Society web exhibit on Arbustrum Americanum

Humphry and Moses Marshall Papers, 1721-1863, University of Michigan


  1. Darlington, 486
  2. Darlington
  3. Darlington,

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History of Early American Landscape Design contributors, "Humphry Marshall," History of Early American Landscape Design, , https://heald.nga.gov/mediawiki/index.php?title=Humphry_Marshall&oldid=15100 (accessed March 11, 2025).

A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts

National Gallery of Art, Washington