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History of Early American Landscape Design

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|Birth Present=No
|Birth Date=October 31, 1815
|Birth Circa=No
|Birth Concurrence=Exact
|Birth Questionable=No
|Birth HasEndDate=No
|Birth Present End=No
|Birth Circa End=No
|Birth Questionable End=No
|Death Present=No
|Death Date=July 28, 1852
|Death Circa=No
|Death Concurrence=Exact
|Death Questionable=No
|Death HasEndDate=No
|Death Present End=No
|Death Circa End=No
|Death Questionable End=No
|Birth Location=Newburgh, NY
|Roles=Landscape designer; Nurseryman
|Keywords=Ancient style; Avenue; Border; Botanic garden; Bridge; Canal; Cemetery/Burying ground/Burial ground; Common; Fence; Geometric style; Lake; Landscape gardening; Lawn; Meadow; Modern style/Natural style; Park; Picturesque; Pleasure ground/Pleasure garden; Seat; Statue; Vase/Urn; View/Vista; Walk; Wood/Woods
|Other resources={{ExternalLink
|External link URL=http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80050049.html
|External link text=Library of Congress Authority File
|External link URL=http://vocab.getty.edu/page/ulan/500015417
|External link text=Getty ULAN
|External link URL=http://tclf.org/pioneer/andrew-jackson-downing
|External link text=The Cultural Landscape Foundation
|External link URL=http://www.anb.org/articles/17/17-00235.html
|External link text=American National Biography
|External link URL=https://gardens.si.edu/gardens/haupt-garden/downing-urn/
|External link text=Smithsonian Gardens - The Downing Urn
|External link URL=https://exhibitions.cul.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/downing
|External link text=Columbia University Libraries Online
'''Andrew Jackson Downing''' (October 31, 1815—July 28, 1852) helped steer American popular taste in landscape and garden design toward more [[natural style|natural]], [[picturesque]] modes in the middle of the 19th century [Fig. 1]. In addition to “rural design,” he promoted the professionalization of landscape design and reached a growing middle-class audience through his influential books and periodicals. Concerned about the effects of overcrowded, industrialized cities, Downing advocated for the development of suburbs as well as the creation of public [[park]]s. At the time of his death at age thirty-six, he was at work on ambitious plans for Public Grounds in Washington, DC, on the present site of the [[National Mall]].
[[File:2244.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 1, Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), frontispiece.]]
[[File:2154.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 2, Anonymous, ''Ground Plan of a portion of Downing’s Botanic Gardens and Nurseries'', in ''Magazine of Horticulture'' 7, no. 11 (November 1841): 404.]]
[[File:2155.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 3, A. J. Downing, “Advertisement. Professional Landscape Gardening,” in ''Magazine of Horticulture'' 8.]]
Andrew Jackson Downing, a leading nurseryman, landscape designer, and author in the mid-19th-century United States, was born in 1815 in Newburgh, New York—where he spent his entire life and career—to nurseryman Samuel Downing (d. 1822) and his wife, Eunice Bridge Downing (d. 1838). A. J. Downing showed an early interest in horticulture, joining the family [[nursery]] business in 1831 while still a teenager.<ref>Robert Twombly, “Introduction: Architect and Gardener to the Republic,” in ''Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts'' (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), 15—16, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]</ref> He took over his brother Charles’s share of the business soon after their mother’s death in 1838 and named the establishment Botanic Garden and Nurseries (also known as Highland Gardens or Highland Nurseries) [Fig. 2]. Downing soon began to market himself primarily as a landscape designer, advertising “Professional [[Landscape Gardening]]” services in the 1842 volume of C. M. Hovey's ''Magazine of Horticulture'' [Fig. 3].<ref>See also Twombly 2012, 15, 19, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; David Schuyler, ''Apostle of Taste: Andrew Jackson Downing 1815—1852'' (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 74—76, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref> Throughout this period, he also published extensively on horticulture, landscape design, and architecture. Downing sold Botanic Garden and Nurseries in 1846, as landscape design and writing activities started to occupy more of his attention.<ref>Twombly 2012, 18—19, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; Schuyler 1996, 214, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref>
Between 1841 and 1850, Downing published four books that had a significant and enduring impact on the fields of landscape design, horticulture, and architecture in the United States. ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America''—Downing’s first book and the first treatise on [[landscape gardening]] published in the United States—lays out “leading principles” and “practicable methods” by which land owners could embellish their rural residences. For Downing, such embellishments were of great civil and social import; he claimed that home improvements could “increase local attachments . . . strengthening [the proprietor’s] patriotism and making him a better citizen.” <span id="Downing_1841 preface_cite"></span>In the preface, Downing also acknowledged that he drew heavily on European—especially British—authors when developing his principles of landscape design, adapting their recommendations to suit “this country [the United States] and the peculiar wants of its inhabitants” ([[#Downing_1841 preface|view text]]).
Although he did not view English landscapes in person until the end of his life, when he traveled abroad for the first and only time in 1850, British landscape theories of the [[picturesque]] played a significant role in the formulation of Downing’s landscape design principles. These writings include especially those of Edmund Burke (1729—1797), Sir Uvedale Price (1747—1829), Humphry Repton (1752—1818), John Claudius Loudon (1783—1843), and John Ruskin (1819—1900).<ref>Adam W. Sweeting notes that, while Downing did not quote Burke and departed from Burke’s theories, in some respects, Downing's characterization of the Beautiful "followed the wording of his English predecessor almost exactly.” Adam W. Sweeting, ''Reading Houses and Building Books: Andrew Jackson Downing and the Architecture of Popular Antebellum Literature'', 1835—1855 (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996), 19—20, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/SDCTTVIV view on Zotero]. Caren Yglesias argues that for Downing “the most important theoretical work was Sir Uvedale Price’s ''An Essay on the Picturesque'' (1794).” Caren Yglesias, ''The Complete House and Grounds: Learning from Andrew Jackson Downing’s Domestic Architecture'' (Chicago: Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, 2011), 21, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/5H9UNB35 view on Zotero]. In 1850 Downing spent three months traveling in England, Paris, and Belgium. He published his impressions in a series of letters in the ''Horticulturist'' in 1850—51. Twombly 2012, 21, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]. Eight of “Mr. Downing’s Letters from England” were published monthly in the ''Horticulturist'' between September 1850 (vol. 5, no. 3) and March 1851 (vol. 6, no. 3), and in June 1851 (vol. 6, no. 6).</ref> <span id="Downing_1844_cite"></span>By the time Downing published the second edition of his ''Treatise'' in 1844, he was arguing more forcefully for the “great advantage” of the [[picturesque]], writing in a passage not included in the first edition, “The raw materials of [[wood]], water, and surface, by the margin of many of our rivers and brooks, are at once appropriated with so much effect, and so little art, in the [[picturesque]] mode; the annual tax on the purse too, is so comparatively little, and the charm so great!” ([[#Downing_1844|view text]]). Downing thus became a champion of landscapes in the [[natural style]] during the middle of the 19th century, helping to steer American popular taste away from the more [[geometric style|geometric]] modes that dominated throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries. According to David Schuyler, “Downing interpreted this progression from classic to romantic not simply as a change in stylistic preference but as a reflection of the nation’s evolution from a pioneer condition to a more advanced state of civilization.”<ref>Schuyler 1996, 2, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref>
====''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849)====
'''A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America;...'', 4th ed. (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, [1849]1991)<ref>A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America;...'', 4th ed. (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, [1849]1991) [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/K7BRCDC5 view on Zotero]</ref>'''
* Section I, "Historical Sketches" (pp. 21, 30, 42–44, 57)
[[File: 0350.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 4, Alexander Jackson Davis, “View in the Grounds at [[Blithewood]],” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), frontispiece.]]
:"THE [[ancient style|ANCIENT STYLE]]. A predominance of regular forms and right lines is the characteristic feature of the [[ancient style]] of gardening. The value of art, of power, and of wealth, were at once easily and strongly shown by an artificial arrangement of all the materials; an arrangement the more striking, as it differed most widely from nature. And in an age when costly and stately architecture was most abundant, as in the times of the Roman empire, it is natural to suppose, that the symmetry and studied elegance of the palace, or the villa, would be transferred and continued in the surrounding gardens. . . .
Between the publication of the first two editions of the ''Treatise'', Downing altered his recommendations on the use of native versus exotic plants. <span id="Downing_1841_excerpt_cite"></span>In 1841, while he still made his living primarily as a nurseryman, Downing warned estate owners not to replicate the woodlands of the surrounding Hudson Valley countryside and instead advocated the use of non-local North American and Eurasian species ([[#Downing_1841_excerpt|view text]]). Philip J. Pauly has argued that financial decisions may have informed Downing’s advice, noting that gardeners who used exclusively local plants “would generate little business for nurserymen like Downing.” By 1844, when Downing was better known as an author and designer than as a nurseryman, he embraced the use of local landscape features—especially “the raw materials of [[wood]], water, and surface”—in [[picturesque]] landscape design. According to Pauly, this shift may have been rooted in nativist attitudes as well as design considerations. <span id="Downing_1844_excerpt_cite"></span>Likely concerned about increased professional competition with the rise of immigration during this period, Downing added a “Note on Professional Quackery” to the appendix of the 1844 edition of his ''Treatise'', in which he singled out “a foreign ''soi-disant'' landscape gardener” who, in Downing’s view, had “completely spoiled the simply grand beauty of a fine river residence” by “only follow[ing] a mode sufficiently common and appropriate in a level inland country, like that of Germany. . . but entirely out of keeping” with the character of local landscape ([[#Downing_1844_excerpt|view text]]).<ref>According to Pauly, Downing was particularly upset that William Backhouse Astor, proprietor of Rokeby, an estate located about ten miles north of Hyde Park, hired Hans Jacob Ehlers (1804—1858), who had been trained in Germany and Denmark, as his landscape gardener in 1841. Philip J. Pauly, ''Fruits and Plains: The Horticultural Transformation of America'' (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), 169—70, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/RM4928T6 view on Zotero].</ref>
:"Whatever may have been the absurdities of the [[ancient style]], it is not to be denied that in connexion with highly decorated architecture, its effect, when in the best taste—as the Italian—is not only splendid and striking, but highly suitable and appropriate. . . .
[[File: 1868.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 5, Anonymous, “Residence of Bishop Doane, Burlington, New Jersey,” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), pl. opp. 387, bottom image.]]
[[Image:0365.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 6, Anonymous, “Mr. Dunn’s Cottage, Mount Holly, N. J.,” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), pl. opp. 54, fig. 11.]]
[[File:0386a.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 7, Anonymous, Grecian [[vase]]s, in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), 425, figs. 70—72.]]
[[File:1172b.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 8, Anonymous, “Example in grouping,” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), 135, fig. 34.]]
While preparing the manuscript for the first edition of his ''Treatise'' in 1838, Downing enlisted the help of the New York City architect [[Alexander Jackson Davis]] (1803—1892) to illustrate the text—a collaboration that would continue throughout the remainder of Downing’s career [Fig. 4]. Downing, who, Robert Twombly argues, was “not a polished draftsman,” provided [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]] with sketches that [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]] “put into proper form for engraving and publication.”<ref>Twombly 2012, 20, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]. Downing and Davis met through their friend Robert Donaldson (1800—1872) in late 1838 or early 1839. Davis had designed Donaldson’s estate, Blithewood, on the Hudson River. Schuyler 1996, 50, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref> Because of advances in printing technologies, Downing was able to integrate images into his texts easily and inexpensively, making his well-illustrated publications affordable to a growing middle-class audience. He illustrated diverse examples of architectural and landscape designs in the ''Treatise'', ranging from residences of various sizes to small garden embellishments and ideal arrangements of plants and trees [Figs. 5—8]. Caren Yglesias has argued that “The images satisfied his audience’s visual appetite and allowed readers to imagine their own tasteful homes and gardens,” using the accompanying texts as a guide.<ref>Yglesias 2011, 4, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/5H9UNB35 view on Zotero].</ref> Downing’s ''Treatise'' was immediately popular after its publication; he published at least two additional editions of the text during his lifetime (in 1844 and 1849), and the ''Treatise'' remained in print until the publication of its tenth edition in 1921.<ref>The 1849 publication is the fourth edition. The second edition, published in 1844, “included an announcement for a third” edition, which was likely never published. Therese O’Malley, Introduction to ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America'', ed. A. J. Downing, 4th ed. (1849; repr., Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1991), x, xn20, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/K7BRCDC5 view on Zotero]. In the first twelve years, Downing’s ''Treatise'' sold approximately 9,000 copies. Schuyler 1996, 28, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero]. For an analysis of the various editions of the ''Treatise'' edited by Downing, see Judith K. Major, ''To Live in the New World: A. J. Downing and American Landscape Gardening'' (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997), 7—98, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/IJRZTPR2 view on Zotero].</ref>
:"The [[seat]] of the late [[William Peters|Judge Peters]], about five miles from Philadelphia, was, 30 years ago, a noted specimen of the [[ancient style|ancient]] school of [[landscape gardening]]. . . . Long and stately [[avenue]]s, with [[vista]]s terminated by [[obelisk]]s, a garden adorned with marble [[vase]]s, busts, and [[statue]]s, and [[pleasure ground|pleasure grounds]] filled with the rarest trees and shrubs, were conspicuous features here. . . .
<span id="Downing_1842_preface_cite"></span>In 1842 Downing and [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]] collaborated on a second book, ''Cottage Residences'', which proposed integrated designs for modest dwellings and gardens that targeted cost-conscious, middle-class consumers ([[#Downing_1842_preface|view text]]). Downing’s third book, ''The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America'', published in 1845, drew on his experience as a nurseryman and offered practical advice on planting [[orchard]]s.<ref>Twombly notes that while ''The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America'' was the third book that Downing published, it was actually the second one written. By 1841 Downing was already working on the manuscript. Twombly 2012, 19, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero].</ref> Downing’s fourth and final book, ''The Architecture of Country Houses'', published in 1850, again provided practical advice for homeowners and proposed designs for freestanding houses. In the preface, Downing argued for the “moral influence” and social benefits of having “good houses.” <span id="Downing_1850_preface_cite"></span>He wrote, “when smiling [[lawn]]s and tasteful cottages begin to embellish the country, we know that order and culture are established. . . . the interest manifested in the Rural Architecture of a country like this, has much to do with the progress of its civilization” ([[#Downing_1850_preface|view text]]). Unlike Downing’s previous architectural tome, ''The Architecture of County Houses'' provided no specific advice on landscape gardening.<ref>Schuyler 1996, 152, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref>
:"''[[Lemon Hill]]'', half a mile above the [[Fairmount waterworks]] of Philadelphia, was, 20 years ago, the most perfect specimen of the [[geometric style|geometric]] mode in America, and since its destruction by the extension of the city, a few years since, there is nothing comparable with it, in that style, among us. All the symmetry, uniformity, and high art of the old school, were displayed here in artificial [[plantation]]s, formal gardens with [[trellis|trellises]], [[grotto|grottoes]], spring-houses, [[temple]]s, [[statue]]s, and [[vase]]s, with numerous [[pond]]s of water, [[jet|jets-d’eau]], and other water-works, [[parterre]]s and an extensive range of [[hothouse]]s. The effect of this garden was brilliant and striking; its position, on the lovely banks of the Schuylkill, admirable; and its liberal proprietor, Mr. Pratt, by opening it freely to the public, greatly increased the popular taste in the neighborhood of that city.
Downing also published numerous articles in horticultural periodicals throughout his career. <span id="Downing_1832_cite"></span>In 1832, at age sixteen, he contributed his first essay to a regional horticultural magazine ([[#Downing_1832|view text]]).<ref>Downing published the essay as a letter to the editor, signed “X. Y. Z. Newburgh,” in ''New-York Farmer and Horticultural Repository'' 5 (September 1832); A. J. Downing, ''Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts'', ed. Robert Twombly (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), 143—48, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/58ISW6RH view on Zotero].</ref> In July 1846, following the successful release of his first three books, he became the founding editor of a new monthly journal started by Luther Tucker (1802—1873) in Albany, New York, ''Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'', a position that he held for six years.<ref>Yglesias 2011, 33, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/5H9UNB35 view on Zotero].</ref> Downing published seventy-four monthly editorials covering a wide range of topics in the ''Horticulturist'' and, as with his books, worked with [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]] to illustrate his articles. Downing devoted much of his writing to the topics of rural improvement and land management. His advocacy for such issues extended beyond his role as editor, however. As a champion for public agricultural education, Downing helped develop a plan for a state agricultural college in New York between 1849 and 1852 that, much to his disappointment, was never realized. He had long argued for the importance of institutions of public learning, claiming that they were essential for the development of American society and republican virtues. To this end, throughout the late 1830s and early 1840s, Downing helped establish the Newburgh Library Association (1835), the Newburgh Lyceum (1837), and the Horticultural Association of the Valley of the Hudson (1838).<ref>Twombly 2012, 15, 17, 34, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; Schuyler 1996, 18—20, 120, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref>
:"On the Hudson, the show place of the last age was the still interesting ''[[Clermont]]'', then the residence of Chancellor Livingston. Its level or gently undulating [[lawn]], four or five miles in length, the rich native [[woods]], and the long [[vista]]s of planted [[avenue]]s, added to its fine water [[view]], rendered this a noble place. The mansion, the [[greenhouse]]s, and the gardens, show something of the French taste in design, which Mr. Livingston’s residence abroad, at the time when that mode was popular, no doubt, led him to adopt. . . .
In addition to advocating for rural improvements, Downing also addressed the importance of urban and suburban public [[park]]s and gardens, arguing that such spaces would aid in the cultivation of moral and civic virtues in the American public. Such notions gained currency throughout the 1840s and 1850s, a period in which public gardens were increasingly conceived to serve both recreational and edifying functions.<ref>Therese O’Malley, “‘A Public Museum of Trees’: Mid-Nineteenth Century Plans for the Mall,” in ''The Mall in Washington, 1791—1991'', ed. by Richard Longstreth, Studies in the History of Art, Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Symposium Papers, XIV, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2002), xxx, 63, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/TU8V4C7E view on Zotero].</ref> Downing was a significant proponent of this view. In his October 1848 ''Horticulturist'' editorial entitled “A Talk about Public Parks and Gardens,” for example, Downing wrote that public [[park]]s would play an important role “in elevating the national character.” <span id="Downing_1848_cite"></span>He urged his readers: “Let our people see for themselves the influence for good which [the founding of a public [[park]]] would effect, no less than the healthful enjoyment it will afford, and I feel confident that the taste for public [[pleasure ground|pleasure-grounds]], in the United States, will spread as rapidly as that for [[cemetery|cemeteries]] has done” ([[#Downing_1848|view text]]).<ref>Twombly 2012, 32, 34—35, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]. See also A. J. Downing, “Our Country Villages,” '' Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'' 4, no. 12 (June 1850): 540—41, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/2DJ27X4W view on Zotero].</ref> As editor, Downing also published the writing of other important advocates for public parks, including an early essay by Frederick Law Olmsted (1822—1903) entitled “The People’s Park at Birkenhead, Near Liverpool.”<ref>W. [Frederick Law Olmsted], “The People’s Park at Birkenhead, Near Liver[p]ool,” ''Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'' 6 (1851): 224–28, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/U59KJXQV view on Zotero.]</ref>
:"[[William Peters|Judge Peters']] [[seat]], [[Lemon Hill]], and [[Clermont]], were [the best specimens] of the [[ancient style]], in the earliest period of the history of [[Landscape Gardening]] among us. . . .
Downing gained a wide audience through his books and editorials in the ''Horticulturist'', but his influence exceeded the readership of such publications as agricultural journals and later generations of pattern-book authors modified, adapted, and widely disseminated Downing’s ideas. Much as Downing had imitated and altered English architectural and landscape practices to suit an American audience, according to Schuyler, “[t]he publication of his designs was followed by a process of imitation and modification, an American analogue to the adaptation of English forms he had practiced.”<ref>Schuyler 1996, 229, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref> Gardens and buildings that were not designed by Downing but nonetheless owed their forms to Downing’s ideas proliferated throughout the United States during the middle of the 19th century.<ref>Twombly 2012, 18, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero].</ref>
:"In the environs of New Bedford are many beautiful residences. Among these, we desire particularly to notice the residence of [[James Arnold]], Esq. There is scarcely a small place in New England, where the ''[[pleasure ground|pleasure-grounds]]'' are so full of variety, and in such perfect order and keeping, as at this charming spot; and its winding [[walk]]s, open bits of [[lawn]], shrubs and plants grouped on turf, shady [[bower]]s, and [[rustic style|rustic]] [[seat]]s, all most agreeably combined, render this a very interesting and instructive suburban [[seat]]."
[[File:2156.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 9, Unknown, “Residence of the Late A. J. Downing, Newburgh on the Hudson” and “General Plan of House & Grounds,” in P. Barry, ed. ''Horticulturist'' 3, new series (1853), frontispiece.]]
[[File:1264.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 10, Henry Gritten, ''[[Springside]]: Center Circle'', 1852.]]
Few of Downing’s design projects are extant. His first major architectural and landscape design project was Highland Garden (also known as Highland Place), Downing’s own Tudor-style house in Newburgh that he designed in 1838, around the time of his marriage to Caroline Elizabeth De Windt (1815—1905).<ref>Caroline Elizabeth De Windt was the granddaughter of John Adams (1735—1826), the second president of the United States, and grand-niece of John Quincy Adams (1767—1848), the sixth president of the United States. When Eunice Bridge Downing died in 1838, Downing and his brother Charles (1802—1885) inherited more than eleven acres. They divided the property evenly, each taking four-and-a-half acres with the remaining two-plus acres held jointly. The house was completed in 1839 on the property that Downing inherited. Twombly 2012, 17, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero].</ref> Although “the Newburgh villa was. . . an accomplished work,” Adam W. Sweeting argues that Downing, only twenty-four years old and with no formal architectural training, most likely “relied on an English pattern book when designing his house.” Initially, Downing’s [[nursery]] business took up much of the property near the residence, limiting the scope of his landscape design. However, after selling the [[nursery]] in 1846, he developed the landscape surrounding his home to resemble a [[picturesque]] English estate [Fig. 9].<ref>Sweeting 1996, 128, 131, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/SDCTTVIV view on Zotero].</ref> Although he was not a trained architect, as his national reputation grew, Downing received requests to design private and public buildings. According to Schuyler, between 1846 and 1850, Downing usually passed these commissions on to [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]]. However, there are at least three projects from this period on which Downing and [[Alexander Jackson Davis|Davis]] worked together on the architectural design: Angier Cottage in Medford, Massachusetts; the design for the proposed New York State Agricultural College; and the plans for the entrance gate and chapel for the [[Cemetery]] of the Evergreens in Brooklyn, New York.<ref>Schuyler 1996, 155, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref> While traveling in London in 1850, Downing met the young English architect Calvert Vaux (1825—1895) and convinced Vaux to move to Newburgh so that he could pursue additional architectural projects with Vaux’s assistance. From September 1850 until July 1852, Vaux worked with Downing—initially in Downing’s employ before the two formed a professional partnership, “Downing & Vaux, Architects.” Of their many collaborations, Springside, Matthew Vassar’s (1792—1868) one-hundred-acre estate in Poughkeepsie, New York, is one of the few that survives largely intact [Fig. 10].<ref>For more information on Downing and Vaux’s commission for Springside, see Schuyler 1996, 164—70, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero]. Other projects include a block of commercial shops and offices in Boston’s waterfront district; the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York; houses for David Moore and Dr. William A. M. Culbert in Newburgh, New York; Italianate villas for the brothers Robert P. and Francis Dodge in Georgetown, Washington, DC; and Daniel Parish’s villa on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island. See Twombly 2012, 22—23, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; Schuyler 1996, 170—74, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref>
Downing and Vaux’s most significant project was the 1850—52 plans for a Public Grounds in Washington, DC, located in the area that now constitutes the [[National Mall]]. At the behest of Smithsonian Secretary Joseph Henry (1797—1878), financier William Wilson Corcoran (1798—1888), Mayor Walter Lenox (1817—1874), and Commissioner of Public Buildings Ignatius Mudd (d. 1851), President Millard Fillmore (1800—1874) invited Downing to create a public [[park]] of approximately 150-acres, extending east-west between the foot of the United States Capitol Grounds and the Potomac River (then near the [[Washington Monument (Washington, DC)|Washington Monument]]) and north-south between the river and the White House.<ref>Schuyler 1996, 192, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero].</ref> Therese O’Malley has argued that improvements to Washington’s public spaces during these years should be understood as an effort “to counteract the reputation of an unimproved capital and a center of slavery.” Following the abolition of the slave trade (although not slavery itself) in the city in 1850 and the removal of slave pens across from the Smithsonian Institution’s new building, Downing’s plans to redevelop the site bolstered the federal government’s attempts to present “the appearance of democracy” and “strengthen physical symbols of the national image” through the development of the city’s public spaces.<ref> O’Malley 2002, 61—62. See also pages 70—71, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/TU8V4C7E view on Zotero].</ref>
* Section II, "Beauties of Landscape Gardening" (pp. 62, 63)
[[File:1967.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 11, A. J. Downing, ''Plan Showing Proposed Method of Laying Out the Public Grounds at Washington'', 1851.]]
[[File:0352.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 12, A. J. Downing, ''Suspension [[bridge]] across the [[Canal]]'' [proposed], 1851.]]
[[File:0351.jpg|thumb|right|Fig. 13, A. J. Downing, “Presidents Arch at the end of Penn<sup>a</sup> Avenue,” 1851.]]
[[File:0042.jpg|thumb|left|Fig. 14, Benjamin Franklin Smith Jr., ''Washington, D.C. with projected improvements'', c. 1852.]]
Downing’s plan divided the Public Grounds into six sections [Fig. 11]. The U.S. Capitol Grounds would connect to the national [[Botanic Garden]], located on the site of the former [[Columbian Institute]], and then, continuing westward, to “Fountain Park,” the “Smithsonian Pleasure Grounds,” “Evergreen Garden,” and “Monument Park” (the area surrounding the [[Washington Monument (Washington, DC)|Washington Monument]]). A suspension [[bridge]] [Fig. 12] would cross the Tiber Canal, connecting the “Monument Park” to the circular [[lawn]] of the “Parade or President’s Park” and then the “President’s Grounds” located adjacent to the White House. Downing proposed a marble triumphal “President’s Arch” [Fig. 13], located at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue near the “President’s Grounds,” to mark the main entrance to the Public Grounds from the city. With the exception of the “Evergreen Garden” and the “Parade or President’s Park,” Downing intended for the Public Grounds to be landscaped in what he called the [[natural style]], with curving [[walk]]s and [[picturesque]] arrangement of trees and artificial [[lake]]s [Fig. 14].<ref>Twombly 2012, 29, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; see also Schuyler 1996, 196—198, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero]; and O’Malley 2002, 64—70, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/TU8V4C7E view on Zotero].</ref> <span id="Downing_1851_cite"></span>In accordance with his views on the functions of public parks noted above, Downing’s goals for the redevelopment of the [[National Mall]] were, in part, pedagogical. He wrote that he hoped the Public Grounds would “become a Public School of Instruction in every thing [sic] that relates to the growth and culture of trees” ([[#Downing_1851|view text]]).
:"The beauties elicited by the [[ancient style]] of gardening were those of regularity, symmetry, and the display of labored art. These were attained in a merely mechanical manner. . . .The geometrical form and lines of the buildings were only extended and carried out in the garden. . . .
President Fillmore approved the western portion of Downing’s plan in April 1851, and the clearing, draining, and grading of the area around the Smithsonian began almost immediately. However, Downing’s life and career were tragically cut short when, on July 28, 1852, the steamship ''Henry Clay'', on which Downing was traveling between Newburgh and New York City, caught fire and he drowned. In his memory, the so-called Downing Urn was sponsored by the American Pomological Society, designed by Vaux, and sculpted in marble by Robert E. Launitz (1806—1870). Erected in 1856, it was the first monument to be completed on the [[National Mall]].<ref>President Fillmore met with Downing in November 1850, and Downing completed a plan in February 1851. Fillmore approved the plans west of 7th Street in April 1851 and the plans east of 7th Street in February 1853, after Downing’s death. Twombly 2012, 23—24, 29, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view on Zotero]; Schuyler 1996, 199, 201, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/T7SV2M48 view on Zotero]. In response to the burning of the ''Henry Clay'', the architect Robert Mills wrote to Fillmore in August 1852 to propose a solution to protect steamers and prevent similar tragedies. Mills did not refer to Downing by name in his letter but did note the “hecatomb of victims.” Letter from Robert Mills to President Millard Fillmore, August 6, 1852, quoted in H. M. Pierce Gallagher, ''Robert Mills, Architect of the Washington Monument, 1781—1855'' (New York: Columbia University Press, 1935), 208—9, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/GC3NPRZJ view on Zotero]. See also O’Malley 2002, 76n61, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/TU8V4C7E view on Zotero]. Since 1989, the urn has been located in the Enid A. Haupt Garden behind the Smithsonian Castle. Smithsonian Gardens website, http://www.gardens.si.edu/our-gardens/downing-urn.html.</ref>
:"Indeed, as, to level ground naturally uneven, or to make an [[avenue]], by planting rows of trees on each side of a broad [[walk]], requires only the simplest perception of the beauty of mathematical forms, so, to lay out a garden in the [[geometric style]], became little more than a formal routine, and it was only after the superior interest of a more natural manner was enforced by men of genius, that natural beauty of expression was recognised, and [[Landscape Gardening]] was raised to the rank of a fine art.
Through his writing and landscape projects, Downing left a legacy that continued to shape landscape design—and especially the urban [[park]] movement—in the United States long after his death. As designers of New York City’s Central Park, Vaux and Olmsted acknowledged that Downing’s design principles inspired their 1857—58 plan for the urban [[park]].<ref>Twombly 2012, 15, 25, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/ANE8W8EP view in Zotero].</ref> In 1889 Vaux and Olmsted joined forces again to plan the Andrew Jackson Downing Memorial Park, which was dedicated in Newburgh, New York, to the memory of their friend and collaborator.<ref>Yglesias 2011, 22, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/5H9UNB35 view on Zotero].</ref>
:"The [[ancient style]] of gardening may, however, be introduced with good effect in certain cases. In public [[square]]s and gardens, where display, grandeur of effect, and a highly artificial character are desirable, it appears to us the most suitable; and no less so in very small gardens, in which variety and irregularity are out of the question. Where a taste for imitating an old and quaint style of residence exists, the symmetrical and knotted garden would be a proper accompaniment; and pleached [[alley]]s, and sheared trees, would be admired, like old armor or furniture, as curious specimens of antique taste and custom."
—''Lacey Baradel''
* Section III, "Wood and Plantations" (pp. 89–90, 92, 95)
:"In these gardens, nature was tamed and subdued. . . . The stately etiquette and courtly precision of the manners of our English ancestors, extended into their gardens, and were reflected back by the very trees which lined their [[avenue]]s, and the shrubs which surrounded their houses . . . the gay ladies and gallants of Charles II’s court . . . fluttering in glittering processions, or flirting in [[green]] [[alley]]s and [[bower]]s of topiary work. . . .
*<div id="Downing_1832"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, September 1832, “Rural Embellishments” (2012: 144)<ref name="Downing_2012">A. J. Downing, ''Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts'', ed. Robert Twombly (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/58ISW6RH view on Zotero].</ref>
:“In this age of improvement, perhaps nothing is advancing more rapidly, though to many imperceptibly, than the science of Horticulture. Our native forests are fast disappearing, the luscious apple and the melting peach now occupy the places once tenanted by worthless crabs and thorns, and the floral and pomonal treasures of the four continents bloom and flourish in many a spot which had long been overshadowed by ancient oak and elm.
:“The eye of an observing person is constantly reminding him of the rapid increase of costly and beautiful mansions, the abode of the wealthy farmer or the retreat of the retired citizen; and a few remarks on the rural embellishment of these are my principle reason for troubling you with this communication. That branch of horticulture called [[landscape gardening]] is, as yet, completely in its infancy among us; in fact, many—far too many—of our landed proprietors who are actively engaged in giving a character as to the appearance of their estates have but a feeble knowledge of the existence, much less the practice, of such an art.” [[#Downing_1832_cite|back up to History]]
:"The beautiful and the [[picturesque]] are the new elements of interest, which, entering into the composition of our gardens and [[home]] landscapes, have to refined minds increased a hundred fold the enjoyment derived from this species of rural scenery. Still, there is much to admire in the [[ancient style]]. Its long and majestic [[avenue]]s, the wide-spreading branches interlacing over our heads, and forming long, shadowy aisles, are, themselves alone, among the noblest and most imposing sylvan objects. Even the formal and curiously knotted gardens are interesting, from the pleasing associations which they suggest to mind, as having been the favorite haunts of Shakespeare, Bacon, Spenser, and Milton. They are so inseparably connected, too, in our imaginations, with the quaint architecture of that era, that wherever that style of building is adopted . . . this style of gardening may be considered as highly appropriate, and in excellent keeping with such a country house. . . .
:"And as the ''[[Avenue]]'', or the straight line, is the leading form in the geometric arrangement of [[plantation]]s, so let us enforce it upon our readers, the GROUP is equally the key-note of the [[Modern style]]. The smallest place, having only three trees, may have these pleasingly connected in a group; and the largest and finest [[park]]—the Blenheim or Chatsworth, of seven miles [[square]], is only composed of a succession of groups, becoming masses, [[thicket]]s, [[woods]]. . . ."
*Downing, Andrew Jackson, January 1837, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States” (''Magazine of Horticulture'' 3: 8)<ref>A. J. Downing, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States,” ''Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and All Useful Discoveries and Improvements in Rural Affairs'' 3, no. 1 (January 1837): 1–10, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/HPNHTESI view on Zotero].</ref>
:“The branch of the art least understood and least practised in the United States is ''[[landscape gardening]]''. The [[modern style|modern]] or [[picturesque]] style of laying out grounds is most generally attempted of late, and, we regret to see, in some cases where the [[geometric style|geometric]] would be more in character with the country and the situations. The finest single example of [[landscape gardening]], in the [[modern style]], is at [[David Hosack|Dr. Hosack’s]] [[seat]], [[Hyde Park]], and the best specimens of the [[ancient style|ancient]] or [[geometric style]] may probably be met with in the neighborhood of Philadelphia.
* Section IV, "Deciduous Ornamental Trees" (pp. 154, 161, 168, 182, 193, 257)
*<div id="Downing_1841 preface"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1841, Preface to ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . '' (1841: ii—iii)<ref name="Downing_1841">A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; with a View to the Improvement of Country Residences. . . with Remarks on Rural Architecture'' (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1841), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/PGUEKHNG view on Zotero].</ref>
:“While we have treatises in abundance on the various departments of the arts and sciences, there has not appeared even a single essay on the elegant art of [[Landscape Gardening]]. Hundreds of individuals who wish to ornament their grounds and embellish their places, are at a loss how to proceed, from the want of some ''leading principles'', with the knowledge of which they would find it comparatively easy to produce delightful and satisfactory results.
:“In the following pages I have attempted to trace out such principles, and to suggest practicable methods of embellishing our Rural Residences, on a scale commensurate to the views and means of our proprietors. While I have availed myself of the works of European authors, and especially those of Britain, where [[Landscape Gardening]] was first raised to the rank of a fine art, I have also endeavoured to adapt my suggestions especially to this country and to the peculiar wants of its inhabitants. . .
:“The love of country is inseparably connected with the ''love of home''. Whatever, therefore, leads man to assemble the comforts and elegancies of life around his habitation, tends to increase local attachments, and render domestic life more delightful; thus not only augmenting his own enjoyment, but strengthening his patriotism and making him a better citizen. And there is no employment or recreation which affords the mind greater or more permanent satisfaction, than that of cultivating the earth and adorning our property.” [[#Downing_1841 preface_cite|back up to History]]
:"It [the White American Elm] is one of the most generally esteemed of our native trees for ornamental purposes, and is as great a favorite here as in Europe for planting in public [[square]]s and along the highways. Beautiful specimens may be seen in Cambridge, Mass., and very fine [[avenue]]s of this tree are growing with great luxuriance in and about New Haven. . . .
:"In [[avenue]]s it [the plane tree] is often happily employed, and produces a grand effect. It also grows with great vigor in close cities, as some superb specimens in the [[square]] of the State-house, Pennsylvania Hospital, and other places in Philadelphia fully attest. . . .
*<div id="Downing_1841_excerpt"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1841, Excerpt from ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . '' (1841: 34—35)<ref name="Downing_1841"/>
:“A fac-simile imitation of nature in gardening, that is, a scene like wild nature, in which only wild trees, shrubs, and plants, are employed, and which is precisely like wild nature, produces pleasure only as it deceives us, and appears to be nature itself. An artistical imitation, affords pleasure to the mind, not only by the expressions of natural beauty which we discover in it, but by the more novel and choicer forms in which they are displayed, and by the tasteful art apparent in the arrangement. The relative merit of the two may be illustrated, by comparing the first, to the counterfeit of the human figure in wax, which at a short distance may be thought to be real, and the last, to the painted landscape or the marble [[statue]]. The two latter are no less imitations of nature, than the former, but they are expressive and elegant imitations only, which are never to be mistaken for the originals, as in the case of the wax figure.
:“One of the chief elements of artistical imitation in [[Landscape Gardening]], being a difference in the materials employed in the imitation of nature from those in nature herself, nothing can be more apparent, than the necessity of introducing largely, exotic ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, instead of those of indigenous growth. Thus, to take the simplest example, if we suppose a [[lawn]] of an acre, arranged with groups of trees, the groups composed of lindens, horse-chestnuts and magnolias, where the native forests are only filled with oak and ash trees, the variety of the foliage and blossoms alone, will at once suggest the recognition of art. [[Border]]s of rare flowers, and climbing plants,—gravel [[walk]]s, in the place of common paths or roads,—smooth turf, instead of wild [[meadow]],—elegant [[vase]]s and architectural ornaments, with many other accessories, bespeaking the presence of tasteful and enlightened mind; all these are the essential characteristics of [[Landscape Gardening]], considered as an art of imitation.” [[#Downing_1841_excerpt_cite|back up to History]]
:"In this country the European lime is also much planted in our cities; and some [[avenue]]s of it may be seen in Philadelphia, particularly before the State-house in Chestnut-street. . . .
:"When handsome [[avenue]]s or straight lines are wanted, the Horse-chestnut is again admirably suited, from its symmetry and regularity. . . .
*<div id="Downing_1842_preface"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1842, Preface to ''Cottage Residences'' (1842: ii—iv)<ref name="Downing_1842">A. J. Downing, ''Cottage Residences; or A Series of Designs for Rural Cottages and Cottage-Villas and their Gardens and Grounds. Adapted to North America'', (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1842), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/VVDP37KI view on Zotero].</ref>
:“. . . I wish to inspire all persons with a love of beautiful forms and a desire to assemble them around their daily walks of life. I wish them to appreciate how superior is the charm of that home where we discover the tasteful cottage or villa, and the well designed and neatly kept garden or grounds, full of beauty and harmony, not the less beautiful and harmonious because simple and limited, and to become aware that these superior forms, and the higher and more refined enjoyment derived from them, may be had at the same cost and with the same labor as a clumsy dwelling, and its uncouth and ill designed accessories. . .
:“The relation between a country house and its ‘surroundings,’ have led me to consider, under the term Residences, both the architectural and the gardening designs. To constitute an agreeable whole, these should indeed have a harmonious correspondence one with the other; and although most of the following designs have not actually be carried into execution, yet it is believed that they will, either entirely or in part, be found adapted to many cases of every day occurrence, or at least, furnish hints for variations suitable for peculiar circumstances and situations.” [[#Downing_1842_preface_cite|back up to History]]
:"It is unnecessary for us to recommend this tree [the maple] for [[avenue]]s, or for bordering the streets of cities, as its general prevalence in such places sufficiently indicates its acknowledged claims for beauty, shade, and shelter. . . .
:"Where there is a taste for [[avenue]]s, the Tulip tree ought by all means to be employed, as it makes a most magnificent overarching canopy of verdure, supported on trunks almost architectural in their symmetry."
*<div id="Downing_1844"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1844, Excerpt from ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . '' (1844: 59—60)<ref name="Downing_1844">A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; with a View to the Improvement of Country Residences. . . with Remarks on Rural Architecture'', 2nd ed. (New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1844), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/IGJXRU9V view on Zotero].</ref>
:“Within the last five years, we think the [[picturesque]] is beginning to be preferred. It has, when a suitable locality offers, great advantage for us. The raw materials of [[wood]], water, and surface, by the margin of many of our rivers and brooks, are at once appropriated with so much effect, and so little art, in the [[picturesque]] mode; the annual tax on the purse too, is so comparatively little, and the charm so great!
:“On the other hand, the residences of a country of level plains, usually allow only, the beauty of simple, and graceful forms; and the larger desmesne, with its swelling hills and noble masses of [[wood]], (may we not, prospectively, say the prairie too,) should always, in the hands of the man of wealth, be made to display all the freeness and beauty of the Graceful school.
:“But there are many persons with small, cottage places, of little decided character, who have neither room, time, nor income, to attempt the improvement of their grounds fully, after either of those two schools. How shall they render their places tasteful and agreeable, in the easiest manner? We answer, ''by attempting only the simple and the natural''; and the unfailing way to secure this, is by employing only trees and grass. A soft verdant [[lawn]], and a few forest or ornamental trees, well grouped, give universal pleasure—they contain in themselves, in fact, the basis of all our agreeable sensations in a landscape garden—(natural beauty, and the recognition of art,) and they are the most enduring sources of enjoyment in any place.” [[#Downing_1844_cite|back up to History]]
* Section X, "Embellishments; Architectural, Rustic, Floral" (pp. 428-31, 437, 443, 448-49, 454, 455–57, 471)
*<div id="Downing_1844_excerpt"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1844, Excerpt from “Note on Professional Quackery,” Appendix IV in ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . '' (1844: 493)<ref name="Downing_1844"/>
:“[[Landscape Gardening]], like all other arts, is not ignorant pretenders of knowledge, who, without a spark of appreciation for the beautiful in nature, boldly undertake to remodel, in what they consider a tasteful and fashionable style, every piece of natural landscape, whether of a simple or highly [[picturesque]] character. . . We have seen one or two examples lately where a froeign ''soi-disant'' landscape gardener has completely spoiled the simply grand beauty of a fine river residence, by cutting up the breadth of a fine [[lawn]] with a ridiculous effort at what he considered a very charming arrangement of [[walk]]s and groups of tree. In this case he only followed a mode sufficiently common and appropriate in a level inland country, like that of Germany, from whence he introduced it, but entirely out of keeping with the bold and [[lake]]-like features of the landscape which he thus made discordant.” [[#Downing_1844_excerpt_cite|back up to History]]
:"In almost all the different kinds of [[flower garden|flower-gardens]], two methods of forming the [[bed]]s are observed. One is, to cut the [[bed]]s out of the green turf, which is ever afterwards kept well-mown or cut for the [[walk]]s, and the edges pared; the other, to surround the [[bed]]s with [[edging]]s of verdure, as box, etc., or some more durable material, as tiles, or cut stone, the [[walk]]s between being covered with gravel. . . .
:"The ''irregular'' [[flower garden|flower-garden]] is surrounded by an irregular belt of trees and ornamental shrubs of the choicest species, and the [[bed]]s are varied in outline, as well as irregularly disposed, sometimes grouping together, sometimes standing singly, but exhibiting no uniformity of arrangement. . . .[Fig. 12]
*<div id="Downing_1848"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, October 1848, “A Talk about Public Parks and Gardens” (1853: 146)<ref name="Downing_1853"/>
:“. . . what an important influence these public resorts, of a rational and refined character, must exert in elevating the national character, and softening the many little jealousies of social life by a community of enjoyments. A people will have its pleasures, as certainly as its religion or laws; and whether these pleasures are poisonous and hurtful, or innocent and salutary, must greatly depend on the interest taken in them by the directing minds of the age. Get some country town of the first class to set the example by making a public [[park]] or garden of this kind. Let our people once see for themselves the influence for good which it would effect, no less than the healthful enjoyment it will afford, and I feel confident that the taste for public [[pleasure ground|pleasure-grounds]], in the United States, will spread as rapidly as that for [[cemetery|cemeteries]] has done. If my own observation of the effect of these places in Germany is worth any thing, you may take my word for it that they will be better preachers of temperance than temperance societies, better refiners of national manners than dancing-schools, and better promoters of general good feeling than any lectures on the philosophy of happiness ever delivered in the lecture-room. In short, I am in earnest about the matter, and must therefore talk, write, preach, do all I can about it, and beg the assistance of all those who have public influence, till some good experiment of the kind is fairly tried in this country.” [[#Downing_1848_cite|back up to History]]
:"Where the [[flower garden|flower-garden]] is a spot set apart, of any regular outline, not of large size, and especially where it is attached directly to the house, we think the effect is most satisfactory when the [[bed]]s or [[walk]]s are laid out in symmetrical forms. Our reasons for this are these: the [[flower garden|flower-garden]], unlike distant portions of the [[pleasure ground|pleasure-ground]] scenery, is an appendage to the house, seen in the same view or moment with it, and therefore should exhibit something of the regularity which characterizes, in a greater or less degree, all architectural compositions; and when a given scene is so small as to be embraced in a single glance of the eye, regular forms are found to be more satisfactory than irregular ones, which, on so small a scale, are apt to appear unmeaning.
:"The ''[[French]]'' [[flower garden|flower-garden]] is the most fanciful of the regular modes of laying out the area devoted to this purpose. The patterns or figures employed are often highly intricate, and require considerable skill in their formation. . . . The [[walk]]s are either of gravel or smoothly shaven turf, and the [[bed]]s are filled with choice flowering plants. It is evident that much of the beauty of this kind of [[flower garden|flower-garden]], or indeed any other where the figures are regular and intricate, must depend on the outlines of the [[beds]], or ''[[parterre]]s of embroidery'', as they are called, being kept distinct and clear. To do this effectually, low growing herbaceous plants or [[border]] flowers, perennials and annuals, should be chosen, such as will not exceed on an average, one or two feet in height.
*Downing, Andrew Jackson, August 1849, “The Philosophy of Rural Taste” (1853: 105)<ref name="Downing_1853">A. J. Downing, ''Rural Essays'' (New York: George P. Putnam and Company, 1853), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/USXH6MA2 view on Zotero].</ref>
:“The corollary to be drawn from this learned and curious investigation of the history of national sensibility and taste, is a very clear and satisfactory one, viz., that as success, in 'the art of composing a landscape' (as Humboldt significantly calls [[landscape gardening|landscape-gardening]]), depends on appreciation of nature, the taste of the individual as well as that of a nation, will be in direct proportion to the profound sensibility with which he perceives the Beautiful in natural scenery.
:"In the [[English style|English]] [[flower garden|flower-garden]], the [[bed]]s are either in symmetrical forms and figures, or they are characterized by irregular ''curved'' outlines. The peculiarity of these gardens, at present so fashionable in England, is, that each separate [[bed]] is planted with a single variety, or at most two varieties of flowers. Only the most striking and showy varieties are generally chosen, and the effect, when the selection is judicious, is highly brilliant. Each [[bed]], in its season, presents a mass of blossoms, and the contrast of rich colors is much more striking than in any other arrangement. No plants are admitted that are shy bloomers, or which have ugly habits of growth, meagre or starved foliage; the aim being brilliant effect, rather than the display of a great variety of curious or rare plants. To bring about more perfectly, and to have an elegant show during the whole season of growth, hyacinths and other fine bulbous roots occupy a certain portion of the [[bed]]s, the intervals being  filled with handsome herbaceous plants, permanently planted, or with flowering annuals and [[green house|green-house]] plants renewed every season. . . .
:"The ''mingled'' [[flower garden|flower-garden]], as it is termed, is by far the most common mode of arrangement in this country, though it is seldom well effected. The object in this is to dispose the plants in the [[bed]]s in such a manner, that while there is no predominance of bloom in any one portion of the [[bed]]s, there shall be a general admixture of colors and blossoms throughout the entire garden during the whole season of growth.
*<div id="Downing_1850_preface"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1850, Preface to ''The Architecture of Country Houses'' (1850: v—vi)<ref name="Downing_1850")>A. J. Downing, ''The Architecture of Country Houses; Including Designs for Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas'' (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1850), [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/keywords_in_early_american_landscape_design/items/itemKey/DBKSQR9M View on Zotero]</ref>
:“There are three excellent reasons why my countrymen should have good houses.
:“The first, is because a good house (and by this I mean a fitting, tasteful, and significant dwelling) is a powerful means of civilization. A nation, whose rural population is content to live in mean huts and miserable hovels, is certain to be behind its neighbors in education, the arts, and all that makes up the external signs of progress. With the perception of proportion, symmetry, order and beauty, awakens the desire for possession, and with them comes that refinement of manners which distinguishes a civilized from a coarse and brutal people. So long as men are forced to dwell in log huts and follow a hunter’s life, we must not be surprised at lynch law and the use of the bowie knife. But, when smiling [[lawn]]s and tasteful cottages begin to embellish the country, we know that order and culture are established. And, as the first incentive towards this change is awakened in the minds of most men by the perception of beauty and superiority in external objects, it must follow that the interest manifested in the Rural Architecture of a country like this, has much to do with the progress of its civilization.
:“The second reason is, because the ''individual home'' has a great social value for a people. Whatever new systems may be needed for the regeneration of an old and enfeebled nation, we are persuaded that, in America, not only is the distinct family the best social form, but those elementary forces which give rise to the highest genius and the finest character may, for the most part, be traced back to the farm-house and the rural cottage. It is the solitude and freedom of the family home in the country which constantly preserves the purity of the nation, and invigorates its intellectual powers. The battle of life, carried on in cities, gives a sharper edge to the weapon of character, but its temper is, for the most part, fixed amid those communings with nature and the family, where individuality takes its most natural and strongest development.
:“The third reason is, because there is a moral influence in a country house—when, among an educated, truthful, and refined people, it is an echo of their character—which is more powerful than any mere oral teachings of virtue and morality. . .
:“After the volumes I have previously written on this subject, it is needless for me to add more on the purpose of this work. But it is, perhaps, proper that I should say, that it is rather intended to develop the growing taste of the people, than as a scientific work on art. Rural Architecture is, indeed, so much more a sentiment, and so much less a science, than Civil Architecture, that the majority of persons will always build for themselves, and, unconsciously, throw something of their own character into their dwellings. To do this well and gracefully, and not awkwardly and clumsily, is always found more difficult than is supposed. I have, therefore, written this volume, in the hope that it may be of some little assistance to the popular taste. For the same reason, I have endeavored to explain the whole subject in so familiar a manner, as to interest all classes of readers who can find anything interesting in beauty, convenience or fitness of a house in the country.” [[#Downing_1850_preface_cite|back up to History]]
:"To promote this, the more showy plants should be often repeated in different parts of the garden, or even the same [[parterre]] when large, the less beautiful sorts being suffered to occupy but moderate space. The smallest plants should be nearest the [[walk]], those a little taller behind them, and the largest should be furthest from the eye, at the back of the [[border]], when the latter is seen from one side only, or in the centre, if the [[bed]] be viewed from both sides. A neglect of this simple rule will not only give the [[bed]]s, when the plants are full grown, a confused look, but the beauty of the humbler and more delicate plants will be lost amid the tall thick branches of sturdier plants, or removed so far from the spectator in the [[walk]]s, as to be overlooked. . . .
:"Those who have seen the [[shrubbery]] at [[Hyde Park (on the Hudson River, N.Y.)|Hyde Park]], the residence of the late [[David Hosack|Dr. Hosack]], which borders the [[walk]] leading from the mansion to the [[hothouse|hot-houses]], will be able to recall a fine example of this mode of mingling woody and herbaceous plants. The belts or [[border]]s occupied by the [[shrubbery]] and [[flower garden|flower-garden]] there, are perhaps from 25 to 35 feet in width, completely filled with a collection of shrubs and herbaceous plants; the smallest of the latter being quite near the [[walk]]; these succeeded by taller species receding from the front of the [[border]], then follow shrubs of moderate size, advancing in height until the background of the whole is a rich mass of tall shrubs and trees of moderate size. The effect of this belt on so large a scale, in high keeping, is remarkably striking and elegant. . . .  
*Downing, Andrew Jackson, June 1850, “Our Country Villages” (''Horticulturist'' 4: 540)<ref>A. J. Downing, “Our Country Villages,” ''Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'' 4, no. 12 (June 1850): 537–41, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/2DJ27X4W view on Zotero].</ref>
:“The indispensable desiderata in rural villages of this kind [newly planned in the suburbs of a great city], are the following: 1st, a large open space, [[common]], or [[park]], situated in the middle of the village—not less than 20 acres; and better, if 50 or more in extent. This should be well planted with groups of trees, and kept as a [[lawn]]. The expense of mowing it would be paid by the grass in some cases; and in others a considerable part of the space might be enclosed with a wire [[fence]], and fed by sheep or cows, like many of the public [[park]]s in England.
:“This [[park]] would be the nucleus or ''heart of the village'', and would give it an essentially rural character. Around it should be grouped all the best cottages and residences of the place; and this would be secured by selling no lots fronting upon it of less than one-fourth of an acre in extent.
:"The ''[[Conservatory]]'' or the ''[[greenhouse|Green-House]]'' is an elegant and delightful appendage to the villa or mansion, when there is a taste for plants among the different members of a family. Those who have not enjoyed it, can hardly imagine the pleasure afforded by a well-chosen collection of exotic plants, which, amid the genial warmth of an artificial  climate, continue to put forth their lovely blossoms, and exhale their delicious perfumes, when all out-of-door nature is chill and desolate. The many hours of pleasant and healthy exercise and recreation afforded to the ladies of a family, where they take an interest themselves in the growth and vigor of the plants, are certainly no trifling considerations where the country residence is the place of habitation throughout the whole year. . . .
:"The difference between the [[greenhouse|green-house]] and conservatory is, that in the former, the plants are all kept in [[pot]]s and arranged on stages, both to meet the eye agreeably, and for more convenient growth; while in the [[conservatory]], the plants are grown in a [[bed]] or [[border]] of soil precisely as in the open air. . . .
*<div id="Downing_1851"></div>Downing, Andrew Jackson, March 3, 1851, “Explanatory Notes,” describing plans for improving the Public Grounds in Washington, DC (quoted in Washburn 1967: 54, 55)<ref>Wilcomb E. Washburn, “Vision of Life for the Mall,” ''AIA Journal'' 47 (March 1967): 52—59, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/TA59MHC7 view on Zotero].</ref>
:“My object in this Plan has been three-fold:
:“1st: To form a national [[Park]], which should be an ornament to the Capital of the United States; 2nd: To give an example of the [[natural style]] of [[landscape gardening|Landscape Gardening]] which may have an influence on the general taste of the Country; 3rd: To form a collection of all the trees that will grown in the climate of Washington, and, by having these trees plainly labelled with their popular and scientific names, to form a public museum of living trees and shrubs where every person visiting Washington could become familiar with the habits and growth of all the hardy trees. . .
:“A national [[Park]] like this, laid out and planted in a thorough manner, would exercise as much influence on the public taste as [[Mount Auburn Cemetery]] near Boston, has done. Though only twenty years have elapsed since that spot was laid out, the lesson there taught has been so largely influential that at the present moment the United States, while they have no public [[park]]s, are acknowledged to possess the finest rural [[cemetery|cemeteries]] in the world. The Public Grounds at Washington treated in the manner I have here suggested, would undoubtedly become a Public School of Instruction in every thing that relates to the tasteful arrangement of [[park]]s and grounds, and the growth and culture of trees, while they would serve, more than anything else that could be devised, to embellish and give interest to the Capital. The straight lines and broad [[Avenue]]s of the streets of Washington would be pleasantly relieved and contrasted by the beauty of curved lines and natural groups of trees in the various [[park]]s. By its numerous public buildings and broad [[Avenue]]s, Washington will one day command the attention of every stranger, and if its un-improved [[public ground|public grounds]] are tastefully improved they will form the most perfect background or setting to the City, concealing many of its defects and heightening all its beauties.” [[#Downing_1851_cite|back up to History]]
:"A small [[greenhouse|green-house]], or plant cabinet, as it is sometimes called, eight or ten feet [[square]], communicating with the parlor, and constructed in a simple style, may be erected. . . .
:"The simplest variety of covered architectural [[seat]] is the latticed [[arbor]] for vines of various descriptions, with the [[seat]] underneath the canopy of foliage; this may with more propriety be introduced in various parts of the grounds than any other of its class, as the luxuriance and natural gracefulness of the foliage which covers the [[arbor]], in a great measure destroys or overpowers the expression of its original form. Lattice [[arbor]]s, however, neatly formed of rough poles and posts, are much more [[picturesque]] and suitable for wilder portions of the scenery.
*Anonymous, September 1852 (''Horticulturist'' 7: 394—95)<ref>Anonymous, “Mr. Downing and the Horticulturist,” ''Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'' 7, no. 9 (September 1852): 393–97, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/F3WPTQZW view on Zotero].</ref>
:“In the editorship of the HORTICULTURIST, he has shown, perhaps, better than in his other writings, the peculiar fitness of his talents to educate the popular taste for the beautiful in nature and art. The success which has attended this periodical, and the increased attention which is being paid to [[Landscape Gardening]], Horticulture and Rural Decoration, are proof of the beneficial influence of his labors. . . Mr. Downing was not by eminance a theorist. It was not his aim to build castles too grand and lofty for human realization, or to show the power of his intellect by forming conceptions, which imagination only could give being to. The great question with him, was, how much of the really beautiful can be made subservient to the public good? how far can elegance and utility be combined? how much of the spirit of the amateur can be infused into the mass of the rural population? He has answered these questions by his deeds.
:"There is scarcely a prettier or more pleasant object for the termination of a long [[walk]] in the [[pleasure ground|pleasure-grounds]] or [[park]], than a neatly thatched structure of [[rustic style|rustic work]], with its [[seat]] for repose, and a [[view]] of the landscape beyond. On finding such an object, we are never tempted to think that there has been a lavish expenditure to serve a trifling purpose, but are gratified to see the exercise of taste and ingenuity, which completely answers the end in view. . . .
:"Figure 84 is a covered [[seat]] or [[rustic style|rustic]] [[arbor]], with a thatched roof of straw. Twelve posts are set securely in the ground, which make the frame of this structure, the openings between being filled in with branches (about three inches in diameter) of different trees—the more irregular the etter, so that the perpendicular surface of the exterior and interior is kept nearly equal. In lieu of thatch, the roof may be first tightly boarded, and then a covering of bark or the slabs of trees with the bark on, overlaid and nailed on. The figure represents the structure as formed round a tree. For the sake of variety this might be omitted, the roof formed of an open lattice work of branches like the sides, and the whole covered by a grape, bignonia, or some other vine or creeper of luxuriant growth. The [[seat]]s are in the interior. . . .[Fig. 10]
*Anonymous, September 1852, obituaries for A. J. Downing (''Horticulturist'' 7: 430)<ref>“Tributes to the Memory of Mr. Downing,” ''Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste'' 7, no. 9 (September 1852): 427–30, [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/9FD8APCU view on Zotero].</ref>
:“[''From the New York Evening Post'']
:“These publications of Mr. Downing, more than any other agency, had worked a change in our style of building, and created a general improvement in taste. He was commissioned, by a large number of gentlemen about to construct private residences, to prepare the designs and lay out the grounds. The evidence of his fine professional accomplishments now meet us in all parts of the country, and his loss is one that will be felt far beyond the bereaved circle of which he was the ornament and pride.
:"A ''[[prospect tower]]'' is a most desirable and pleasant structure in certain residences. Where the [[view]] is comparatively limited from the grounds, on account of their surface being level, or nearly so, it often happens that the spectator, by being raised some twenty-five or thirty feet above the surface, finds himself in a totally different position, whence a charming ''coup d'oeil'' or bird's-eye view of the surrounding country is obtained.
:"Those of our readers who may have visited the delightful garden and grounds of [[André Parmentier|M. Parmentier]], near Brooklyn, some half a dozen years since . . . will readily remember the [[rustic style|rustic]] prospect-[[arbor]] or [[prospect tower|tower]], Fig. 87, which was situated at the extremity of his place . . . from its summit, though the garden [[walk]]s afforded no prospect, a beautiful reach of neighborhood for many miles was enjoyed.
:"Figure 88 is a design for a [[rustic style|rustic]] [[prospect tower]] of three stories in height, with a double thatched roof. It is formed of [[rustic style|rustic]] [[pillar]]s or [[column]]s, which are well fixed in the ground, and which are filled in with a fanciful lattice of [[rustic style|rustic]] branches. A spiral staircase winds round the interior of the platform of the second and upper stories, where there are [[seat]]s under the open thatched roof. . . . [Figs. 10 and 11]
:"A simple [[jet]] . . . issuing from a circular [[basin]] of water, or a cluster of perpendicular [[jet]]s (candelabra [[jet]]s), is at once the simplest and most pleasing of [[fountain]]s. Such are almost the only kinds of [[fountain]]s which can be introduced with propriety in simple scenes where the predominant objects are sylvan, not architectural." [Fig. 12]
* Appendix V (pp. 531)
:“The only situation where this brilliant [white] gravel seems to us perfectly in keeping, is in the highly artificial garden of the [[ancient style|ancient]] or [[geometric style]], or in the symmetrical terrace [[flower garden]] adjoining the house. In these instances its striking appearance is in excellent keeping with the expression of all the surrounding objects, and it renders more forcible and striking the highly artificial and artistical character of the scene; and to such situations we would gladly see its use limited.”
====''The Architecture of Country Houses'' (1850)====
'''A. J. [Andrew Jackson] Downing, ''The Architecture of Country Houses; Including Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, and Villas'' (Originally published New York: D. Appleton, 1850. Reprint, New York: Da Capo, 1968).<ref>A. J. [Andrew Jackson] Downing, ''The Architecture of Country Houses; Including Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, and Villas'' (Originally published New York: D. Appleton, 1850. Reprint, New York: Da Capo, 1968). [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/GRZPQXQI View on Zotero]</ref>'''
* Part I, Section IV (pp. 112-13)
:“In the Design before us . . . there is an air of rustic or rural beauty conferred on the whole cottage by the simple, or [[veranda]]-like [[arbor]], or [[trellis]], which runs round three sides of the building; as well as an expression of picturesqueness, by the roof supported on ornamental brackets and casting deep shadows upon the [[wall]]s.
:“To become aware how much this beauty of expression has to do with rendering this cottage interesting, we have only to imagine it stripped of the [[arbor]]-[[veranda]] and the projecting eaves, and it becomes in appearance only the most meagre and common-place building, which may be a house or a barn: at the most, it would indicate nothing more by its chimneys and windows, than that it is a human habitation, and not, as at present, that it is the dwelling of a family who have some rural taste, and some love for [[picturesque]] character in a house.” [see Fig. 1]
* Part II, Section X, "Designs for Country Villas or Country Houses" (pp. 281, 288, 307, 350-51, 354, 356, 360-61)
:"[Referring to Design XX.] As a marked defect in this design . . . was the absence of all [[veranda]], [[arcade]], or covered [[walk]]—without which no country-house is tolerable in the United States, we have added a [[veranda]] in the angle between the library and drawing-room. . . .
:"[Referring to Design XXI.] In the second story plan . . . we find four bedrooms of good size, with two small ones, one of them used as a dressing-room. There is also a bath-room, with space for a water-closet at the end of the entry. At a, a narrow flight of stairs ascends to the apartment, 9 by 9 feet, in the top of the tower—which may be a museum or a [[prospect tower|prospect gallery]]. . . .
:"[Referring to Design XXV.] The [[greenhouse|green-house]] communicates directly with the parlor, and is supposed to have a south aspect—though an east or west exposure is found to answer perfectly well in this climate. It will be easily heated by the same furnace which heats the house—a 10 inch hot-air pipe and a large register, running through the basement, and entering by the floor or side of the [[greenhouse|green-house]]. There should be a large door at the outer end of the [[greenhouse|green-house]], for taking in the plants, and a cistern beneath it, to collect water from the roof for watering them. . . .[Fig. 15]
:"[Referring to Design XXXI.] A smaller and lighter flight of stairs ascends in the tower, from the chamber floor to the top, where there is an apartment, 10 feet square, which may be the private sanctum of the master of the house, or a general [[belvedere]] or 'look-out' for visitors, as the taste of the proprietor may lead him to appropriate it. . . .[Fig. 12]
:"[Referring to Design XXXII.] We see refined culture symbolized in the round-[[arch]], with its continually recurring curves of beauty, in the spacious and elegant [[arcade]]s, inviting to leisurely conversations, in all those outlines and details, suggestive of restrained and orderly action, as contrasted with the upward, aspiring, imaginative feeling indicated in the pointed or Gothic styles of architecture. . . .
:"Standing in the middle of the vestibule, the [[arcade]] extends to the drawing-room, affording a broad and airy [[promenade]], nearly 60 feet long, sheltered from sun and rain. . . .[Fig. 11]
:"This latter apartment, a charming prospect gallery or [[belvedere]] in a country of varied scenery, would be a very agreeable feature."
====''Magazine of Horticulture''====
* January 1837, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States” (''Magazine of Horticulture'' 3: 8)
:“The finest single example of [[landscape gardening]], in the [[modern style]], is at Dr. Hosack’s [[seat]], [[Hyde Park]], and the best specimens of the [[ancient style|ancient]] or [[geometric style]] may probably be met with in the neighborhood of Philadelphia.”
* April 1847, "Hints on Flower Gardens" (''Horticulturist'' 1: 443–44)
:"our own taste leads us to prefer the [[modern style|modern]] English style of laying out [[flower garden|flower gardens]] upon a ground work of grass or turf, kept scrupulously short. Its advantage over a [[flower garden]] composed only of [[bed]]s with a narrow [[edging]] and gravel [[walk]]s, consists in the greater softness, freshness and verdure of the green turf, which serves as a setting to the flower [[bed]]s, and heightens the brilliancy of the flowers themselves. Still, both these modes have their merits, and each is best adapted to certain situations, and harmonizes best with its appropriate scenery. . . .
:"One of these [defects] is the common practice, brought over here by gardeners from England, of forming raised convex [[bed]]s for flowering plants. This is a very unmeaning and injurious practice in this country, as a moment's reference to the philosophy of the thing will convince any one. In a damp climate, like that of England, a [[bed]] with a high convex surface . . . by throwing off the superfluous water, keeps the plants from suffering by excess of wet, and the form is an excellent one. In this country, where most frequently our [[flower garden|flower gardens]] fail from drouth, what sound reason can be given for forming the [[bed]]s with a raised and rounded surface of six inches in every three feet, so as to throw off four-fifths of every shower? The true mode, as a little reflection and experience will convince any one, is to form the surface of the [[bed]] nearly level . . . so that it may retain its due proportion of all the rains that fall."
* October 1847, describing [[Montgomery Place]], country home of Mrs. Edward (Louise) Livingston, Dutchess County, N.Y. (''Horticulturist'' 2: 154-55, 160)
:"On the east it [the natural boundary of the estate] touches the post road. Here is the entrance [[gate]], and from it leads a long and stately [[avenue]] of trees, like the approach to an old French chateau. Halfway up its length, the lines of planted trees give place to a tall wood, and this again is succeeded by the [[lawn]], which opens in all its stately dignity, with increased effect, after the deeper shadows of this vestibule-like [[wood]]. . . .
:"Its ribbed roof is supported by a tasteful series of [[column]]s and [[arch|arches]], in the style of an Italian [[arcade]]. As it is on the north side of the dwelling, its position is always cool in summer; and this coolness is still farther increased by the abundant shade of tall old trees, whose heads cast a pleasant gloom, while their tall trunks allow the eye to feast on the rich landscape spread around it. . . . [Fig. 10]
:"THE [[flower garden|FLOWER GARDEN]].
:"How different a scene from the deep sequestered shadows of the [[Wilderness]]! Here all is gay and smiling. Bright [[parterre]]s of brilliant flowers bask in the full daylight, and rich masses of colour seem to revel in the sunshine. The [[walk]]s are fancifully laid out, so as to form a tasteful whole; the [[bed]]s are surrounded by low [[edging]]s of turf or box, and the whole looks like some rich oriental pattern of carpet or embroidery. . . .
:"Among those more worthy of note, we gladly mention an [[arboretum]], just commenced on a fine site in the pleasure grounds, set apart and thoroughly prepared for the purpose. Here a scientific arrangement of all the most beautiful hardy trees and shrubs, will interest the student, who looks upon the vegetable kingdom with a more curious eye than the ordinary observer." [Fig. 3]
* February 1848, "Hints and Designs for Rustic Buildings" (''Horticulturist'' 2: 363–64)
:"But the more humble and simple cottage grounds, the rural [[walk]]s of the ''[[ferme ornée]]'', and the modest garden of the suburban amateur, have also their ornamental objects and rural buildings&mdash;in their place, as charming and spirited as the more artistical embellishments which surround the palladian villa.
:"These are the [[seat]]s, [[bower]]s, [[grotto|grottoes]] and [[arbor]]s, of rustic work&mdash;than which nothing can be more easily and economically constructed, nor can add more to the rural or [[picturesque]] expression of the scene.
:"Those simple buildings, often constructed only of a few logs and twisted limbs of trees, are in good keeping with the simplest or the grandest forms of nature."
* December 1848, "A Chapter on Green-Houses" (''Horticulturist'' 3: 258)
:“There are many of our readers who enjoy the luxury of [[greenhouse|green-houses]], [[hothouse|hot-houses]], and [[conservatory|conservatories]],—large, beautifully constructed, heated with hot water pipes, paved with marble, and filled with every rare and beautiful exotic worth having, from the bird-like air plants of Guiana to the jewel-like Fuchsias of Mexico. They have taste, and much ‘money in their purses.’ . . .
:“The idea that comes straightway into one’s head, when a [[greenhouse|green-house]] is mentioned, is something with a half roof stuck against a wall, and glazed all over,—what gardeners call a lean-to or shed-roofed [[greenhouse|green-house]]. This is a very good form where economy alone is to be thought of; but not in the least will it please the eye of taste. We dislike it, because there is something incomplete about it; it is, in fact, only half a [[greenhouse|green-house]].
:“We must have, then, the idea, in a complete form, by having the whole roof—what in garden architecture is called a ‘span-roof’—which, indeed, is nothing more than the common form of the roof of a house, sloping both ways from the ridge pole to the eaves.
:“A [[greenhouse|green-house]] may be of any size, from ten to as many hundred feet; but let us now, for the sake of having something definite before us, choose to plan one 15 by 20 feet. We will suppose it attached to a cottage in the country, extending out 20 feet, either on the south, or the east, or the west side.”
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* February 1849, "Design for a Suburban Garden" (''Horticulturist'' 3: 380)
File:2244.jpg|Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852, in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), frontispiece
:"At the end of this [[wall]], we come to the semicircular ''Italian [[arbor]]'', D. This [[arbor]], which is very  light and pleasing in effect, is constructed of slender posts, rising 8 or 9 feet above the surface, from the tops of which strong transverse strips are nailed, as shown in the plan. The grapes ripen on this kind of Italian [[arbor]] much more perfectly than upon one of the common kind, thickly covered with foliage.
File:2154.jpg|Anonymous, ''Ground Plan of a portion of Downing’s [[Botanic Garden]]s and Nurseries'', in ''Magazine of Horticulture'' 7, no. 11 (November 1841): 404.  
:"Beyond this [[arbor]], and at the termination of the central [[walk]], is a [[vase]], rustic basket, or other ornamental object, ''e''. The semi-circle, embraced within the [[arbor]], is a space laid with regular [[bed]]s. This is devoted to kitchen garden crops, as is also all the outside [[border]] behind it. The other [[border]]s (under the vines, E,) may be cropped with strawberries, or lettuces, and other small culinary vevetables [''sic''], with a narrow grouping of flowers near the [[walk]] or not, as the taste of the owner may dictate. The small trees, planted in rows on the [[border]], between the [[walk]], E, and the ornamental [[lawn]], are dwarf pears and apples." [Fig. 11]
File:2155.jpg|A. J. Downing, “Advertisement. Professional Landscape Gardening,” in ''Magazine of Horticulture'' 8.
File: 0350.jpg| A. J. Davis, “[[View]] in the Grounds at [[Blithewood]],” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), frontispiece
* 1849, describing Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. (''Horticulturalist'' 4: 10)
File:1874.jpg|Anonymous, “Residence of the Author, near Newburgh, N.Y.,” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), pl. opp. 398, bottom image.
:“[[Laurel Hill cemetery|Laurel Hill]] is especially rich in rare trees. We saw, last month, almost every procurable species of hardy tree and shrub growing there—among others, the Cedar of Lebanon, the Deodar Cedar, the Paulownia., the Araucaria, etc. Rhododendrons and Azaleas were in full bloom; and the purple Beeches, the weeping Ash, rare Junipers, Pines, and deciduous trees were abundant in many parts of the grounds. Twenty acres of new ground have just been added to this [[cemetery]]. It is a better ''[[arboretum]]'' than can easily be found elsewhere in the country.” [Fig. 4]
File:1967.jpg|A. J. Downing, ''Plan Showing Proposed Method of Laying Out the Public Grounds at Washington'', 1851.
===Other Writings===
File:0023.jpg|A. J. Downing, ''Plan Showing Proposed Method of Laying Out the Public Grounds at Washington'', 1851. Manuscript copy by Nathaniel Michler, 1867.
* December 31, 1846, in a letter to Thomas P. Barton, describing [[Montgomery Place]], country [[home]] of Mrs. Edward (Louise) Livingston, Dutchess County, N.Y. (quoted in Haley 1988: 21) <ref name="Haley_1988">Jacquetta M. Haley, ed., ''Pleasure Grounds: Andrew Jackson Downing and Montgomery Place'' (Tarrytown, N.Y.: Sleepy Hollow Press, 1988) [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/SSZXJFSC view on Zotero]</ref>
:“I am delighted to learn that you are about to add to the great charms of [[Montgomery Place]] by the formation of an [[arboretum]]. How few persons there are yet in this country who know any thing of the individual beauty of even our own forest trees! I wish you success in so laudable an undertaking.
File:0351.jpg|A. J. Downing, “Presidents Arch at the end of Penn<sup>a</sup> Avenue,” 1851.
* 1851, describing plans for improving the public grounds in Washington, D.C. (quoted in Washburn 1967: 54, 55) <ref>Wilcomb E. Washburn, "Vision of Life for the Mall," ''AIA Journal'' 47 (March 1967): 52–59. [https://www.zotero.org/groups/54737/items/itemKey/TA59MHC7 view on Zotero]</ref>
File:1172b.jpg| Anonymous, “Example in grouping,” in A. J. Downing, ''A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening'' (1849), 135, fig. 34.
:"I propose to take down the present small stone [[gate]]s to the President's Grounds, and place at the end of Pennsylvania [[Avenue]] a large and handsome [[arch|Archway]] of marble, which shall not only form the main entrance from the City to the whole of the proposed new Grounds, but shall also be one of the principal Architectural ornaments of the city; inside of this [[arch]]-way is a semicircle with three [[gate]]s commanding three carriage roads. Two of these lead into the Parade or President's Park, the third is a private carriage-[[drive]] into the President's grounds; this [[gate]] should be protected by a Porter's lodge, and should only be open on reception days, thus making the President's grounds on this side of the house quite private at all other times. . . . [Fig. 8]
File:0352.jpg|A. J. Downing, ''Suspension [[bridge]] across the [[Canal]]'' [proposed], 1851.
:"5th: [[Fountain]] Park.
File:2297.jpg|Matthew Vassar, ''Plan of Springside'', 1851.
:"This [[Park]] would be chiefly remarkable for its water features. The [[Fountain]] would be supplied from a [[basin]] in the Capitol. The [[pond]] or [[lake]] might either be formed from the overflow of this [[fountain]], or from a filtering drain from the [[canal]].
:"6th: The [[Botanic Garden]].  
File:1264.jpg|Henry Gritten, ''Springside: Center Circle'', 1852.
:"This is the spot already selected for this purpose and containing three [[greenhouse|green-houses]]. It will probably at some future time, be filled with a collection of hardy plants. I have only shown how the carriage-[[drive]] should pass through it (Crossing the [[canal]] again here) and making the exit by a large [[gateway]] opposite the middle [[gate]] of the Capitol Grounds. . . .
File:1265.jpg|Henry Gritten, ''Springside: [[View]] of Barn Complex and Gardens'', 1852.
:"The pleasing natural undulations of surface, where they occur, I propose to retain, instead of expending money in reducing them to a level. The surface of the [[Park]]s, generally, should be kept in grass or [[lawn]], and mown by the mowing machine used in England, by which, with a man and horse, the labor of six men can be done in one day. . . .  
File:1266.jpg|Henry Gritten, ''Springside: [[View]] of Gardener's Cottage and Barns'', 1852.
:"A national [[Park]] like this, laid out and planted in a thorough manner, would exercise as much influence on the public taste as [[Mount Auburn Cemetery]] near Boston, has done. Though only twenty years have elapsed since that spot was laid out, the lesson there taught has been so largely influential that at the present moment the United States, while they have no public [[park]]s, are acknowledged to possess the finest rural [[cemetery|cemeteries]] in the world. The [[Public Ground]]s at Washington treated in the manner I have here suggested, would undoubtedly become a Public School of Instruction in every thing that relates to the tasteful arrangement of [[park]]s and grounds, and the growth and culture of trees, while they would serve, more than anything else that could be devised, to embellish and give interest to the Capital. The straight lines and broad [[Avenue]]s of the streets of Washington would be pleasantly relieved and contrasted by the beauty of curved lines and natural groups of trees in the various [[park]]s. By its numerous public buildings and broad [[Avenue]]s, Washington will one day command the attention of every stranger, and if its un-improved [[public ground|public grounds]] are tastefully improved they will form the most perfect background or setting to the City, concealing many of its defects and heightening all its beauties."
File:0042.jpg|Benjamin Franklin Smith Jr., ''Washington, D.C. with projected improvements'', c. 1852.
<gallery widths="170px" heights="170px" perrow="7">
File:2156.jpg|Unknown, “Residence of the Late A. J. Downing, Newburgh on the Hudson” and “General Plan of House & Grounds,” in P. Barry, ed. ''Horticulturist'' 3, new series (1853), frontispiece.
[[Category: People|Downing, Andrew Jackson]]
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Andrew Jackson Downing (October 31, 1815—July 28, 1852) helped steer American popular taste in landscape and garden design toward more natural, picturesque modes in the middle of the 19th century [Fig. 1]. In addition to “rural design,” he promoted the professionalization of landscape design and reached a growing middle-class audience through his influential books and periodicals. Concerned about the effects of overcrowded, industrialized cities, Downing advocated for the development of suburbs as well as the creation of public parks. At the time of his death at age thirty-six, he was at work on ambitious plans for Public Grounds in Washington, DC, on the present site of the National Mall.


Fig. 1, Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), frontispiece.
Fig. 2, Anonymous, Ground Plan of a portion of Downing’s Botanic Gardens and Nurseries, in Magazine of Horticulture 7, no. 11 (November 1841): 404.
Fig. 3, A. J. Downing, “Advertisement. Professional Landscape Gardening,” in Magazine of Horticulture 8.

Andrew Jackson Downing, a leading nurseryman, landscape designer, and author in the mid-19th-century United States, was born in 1815 in Newburgh, New York—where he spent his entire life and career—to nurseryman Samuel Downing (d. 1822) and his wife, Eunice Bridge Downing (d. 1838). A. J. Downing showed an early interest in horticulture, joining the family nursery business in 1831 while still a teenager.[1] He took over his brother Charles’s share of the business soon after their mother’s death in 1838 and named the establishment Botanic Garden and Nurseries (also known as Highland Gardens or Highland Nurseries) [Fig. 2]. Downing soon began to market himself primarily as a landscape designer, advertising “Professional Landscape Gardening” services in the 1842 volume of C. M. Hovey's Magazine of Horticulture [Fig. 3].[2] Throughout this period, he also published extensively on horticulture, landscape design, and architecture. Downing sold Botanic Garden and Nurseries in 1846, as landscape design and writing activities started to occupy more of his attention.[3]

Between 1841 and 1850, Downing published four books that had a significant and enduring impact on the fields of landscape design, horticulture, and architecture in the United States. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America—Downing’s first book and the first treatise on landscape gardening published in the United States—lays out “leading principles” and “practicable methods” by which land owners could embellish their rural residences. For Downing, such embellishments were of great civil and social import; he claimed that home improvements could “increase local attachments . . . strengthening [the proprietor’s] patriotism and making him a better citizen.” In the preface, Downing also acknowledged that he drew heavily on European—especially British—authors when developing his principles of landscape design, adapting their recommendations to suit “this country [the United States] and the peculiar wants of its inhabitants” (view text).

Although he did not view English landscapes in person until the end of his life, when he traveled abroad for the first and only time in 1850, British landscape theories of the picturesque played a significant role in the formulation of Downing’s landscape design principles. These writings include especially those of Edmund Burke (1729—1797), Sir Uvedale Price (1747—1829), Humphry Repton (1752—1818), John Claudius Loudon (1783—1843), and John Ruskin (1819—1900).[4] By the time Downing published the second edition of his Treatise in 1844, he was arguing more forcefully for the “great advantage” of the picturesque, writing in a passage not included in the first edition, “The raw materials of wood, water, and surface, by the margin of many of our rivers and brooks, are at once appropriated with so much effect, and so little art, in the picturesque mode; the annual tax on the purse too, is so comparatively little, and the charm so great!” (view text). Downing thus became a champion of landscapes in the natural style during the middle of the 19th century, helping to steer American popular taste away from the more geometric modes that dominated throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries. According to David Schuyler, “Downing interpreted this progression from classic to romantic not simply as a change in stylistic preference but as a reflection of the nation’s evolution from a pioneer condition to a more advanced state of civilization.”[5]

Fig. 4, Alexander Jackson Davis, “View in the Grounds at Blithewood,” in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), frontispiece.

Between the publication of the first two editions of the Treatise, Downing altered his recommendations on the use of native versus exotic plants. In 1841, while he still made his living primarily as a nurseryman, Downing warned estate owners not to replicate the woodlands of the surrounding Hudson Valley countryside and instead advocated the use of non-local North American and Eurasian species (view text). Philip J. Pauly has argued that financial decisions may have informed Downing’s advice, noting that gardeners who used exclusively local plants “would generate little business for nurserymen like Downing.” By 1844, when Downing was better known as an author and designer than as a nurseryman, he embraced the use of local landscape features—especially “the raw materials of wood, water, and surface”—in picturesque landscape design. According to Pauly, this shift may have been rooted in nativist attitudes as well as design considerations. Likely concerned about increased professional competition with the rise of immigration during this period, Downing added a “Note on Professional Quackery” to the appendix of the 1844 edition of his Treatise, in which he singled out “a foreign soi-disant landscape gardener” who, in Downing’s view, had “completely spoiled the simply grand beauty of a fine river residence” by “only follow[ing] a mode sufficiently common and appropriate in a level inland country, like that of Germany. . . but entirely out of keeping” with the character of local landscape (view text).[6]

Fig. 5, Anonymous, “Residence of Bishop Doane, Burlington, New Jersey,” in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), pl. opp. 387, bottom image.
Fig. 6, Anonymous, “Mr. Dunn’s Cottage, Mount Holly, N. J.,” in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), pl. opp. 54, fig. 11.
Fig. 7, Anonymous, Grecian vases, in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), 425, figs. 70—72.
Fig. 8, Anonymous, “Example in grouping,” in A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1849), 135, fig. 34.

While preparing the manuscript for the first edition of his Treatise in 1838, Downing enlisted the help of the New York City architect Alexander Jackson Davis (1803—1892) to illustrate the text—a collaboration that would continue throughout the remainder of Downing’s career [Fig. 4]. Downing, who, Robert Twombly argues, was “not a polished draftsman,” provided Davis with sketches that Davis “put into proper form for engraving and publication.”[7] Because of advances in printing technologies, Downing was able to integrate images into his texts easily and inexpensively, making his well-illustrated publications affordable to a growing middle-class audience. He illustrated diverse examples of architectural and landscape designs in the Treatise, ranging from residences of various sizes to small garden embellishments and ideal arrangements of plants and trees [Figs. 5—8]. Caren Yglesias has argued that “The images satisfied his audience’s visual appetite and allowed readers to imagine their own tasteful homes and gardens,” using the accompanying texts as a guide.[8] Downing’s Treatise was immediately popular after its publication; he published at least two additional editions of the text during his lifetime (in 1844 and 1849), and the Treatise remained in print until the publication of its tenth edition in 1921.[9]

In 1842 Downing and Davis collaborated on a second book, Cottage Residences, which proposed integrated designs for modest dwellings and gardens that targeted cost-conscious, middle-class consumers (view text). Downing’s third book, The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America, published in 1845, drew on his experience as a nurseryman and offered practical advice on planting orchards.[10] Downing’s fourth and final book, The Architecture of Country Houses, published in 1850, again provided practical advice for homeowners and proposed designs for freestanding houses. In the preface, Downing argued for the “moral influence” and social benefits of having “good houses.” He wrote, “when smiling lawns and tasteful cottages begin to embellish the country, we know that order and culture are established. . . . the interest manifested in the Rural Architecture of a country like this, has much to do with the progress of its civilization” (view text). Unlike Downing’s previous architectural tome, The Architecture of County Houses provided no specific advice on landscape gardening.[11]

Downing also published numerous articles in horticultural periodicals throughout his career. In 1832, at age sixteen, he contributed his first essay to a regional horticultural magazine (view text).[12] In July 1846, following the successful release of his first three books, he became the founding editor of a new monthly journal started by Luther Tucker (1802—1873) in Albany, New York, Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste, a position that he held for six years.[13] Downing published seventy-four monthly editorials covering a wide range of topics in the Horticulturist and, as with his books, worked with Davis to illustrate his articles. Downing devoted much of his writing to the topics of rural improvement and land management. His advocacy for such issues extended beyond his role as editor, however. As a champion for public agricultural education, Downing helped develop a plan for a state agricultural college in New York between 1849 and 1852 that, much to his disappointment, was never realized. He had long argued for the importance of institutions of public learning, claiming that they were essential for the development of American society and republican virtues. To this end, throughout the late 1830s and early 1840s, Downing helped establish the Newburgh Library Association (1835), the Newburgh Lyceum (1837), and the Horticultural Association of the Valley of the Hudson (1838).[14]

In addition to advocating for rural improvements, Downing also addressed the importance of urban and suburban public parks and gardens, arguing that such spaces would aid in the cultivation of moral and civic virtues in the American public. Such notions gained currency throughout the 1840s and 1850s, a period in which public gardens were increasingly conceived to serve both recreational and edifying functions.[15] Downing was a significant proponent of this view. In his October 1848 Horticulturist editorial entitled “A Talk about Public Parks and Gardens,” for example, Downing wrote that public parks would play an important role “in elevating the national character.” He urged his readers: “Let our people see for themselves the influence for good which [the founding of a public park] would effect, no less than the healthful enjoyment it will afford, and I feel confident that the taste for public pleasure-grounds, in the United States, will spread as rapidly as that for cemeteries has done” (view text).[16] As editor, Downing also published the writing of other important advocates for public parks, including an early essay by Frederick Law Olmsted (1822—1903) entitled “The People’s Park at Birkenhead, Near Liverpool.”[17]

Downing gained a wide audience through his books and editorials in the Horticulturist, but his influence exceeded the readership of such publications as agricultural journals and later generations of pattern-book authors modified, adapted, and widely disseminated Downing’s ideas. Much as Downing had imitated and altered English architectural and landscape practices to suit an American audience, according to Schuyler, “[t]he publication of his designs was followed by a process of imitation and modification, an American analogue to the adaptation of English forms he had practiced.”[18] Gardens and buildings that were not designed by Downing but nonetheless owed their forms to Downing’s ideas proliferated throughout the United States during the middle of the 19th century.[19]

Fig. 9, Unknown, “Residence of the Late A. J. Downing, Newburgh on the Hudson” and “General Plan of House & Grounds,” in P. Barry, ed. Horticulturist 3, new series (1853), frontispiece.
Fig. 10, Henry Gritten, Springside: Center Circle, 1852.

Few of Downing’s design projects are extant. His first major architectural and landscape design project was Highland Garden (also known as Highland Place), Downing’s own Tudor-style house in Newburgh that he designed in 1838, around the time of his marriage to Caroline Elizabeth De Windt (1815—1905).[20] Although “the Newburgh villa was. . . an accomplished work,” Adam W. Sweeting argues that Downing, only twenty-four years old and with no formal architectural training, most likely “relied on an English pattern book when designing his house.” Initially, Downing’s nursery business took up much of the property near the residence, limiting the scope of his landscape design. However, after selling the nursery in 1846, he developed the landscape surrounding his home to resemble a picturesque English estate [Fig. 9].[21] Although he was not a trained architect, as his national reputation grew, Downing received requests to design private and public buildings. According to Schuyler, between 1846 and 1850, Downing usually passed these commissions on to Davis. However, there are at least three projects from this period on which Downing and Davis worked together on the architectural design: Angier Cottage in Medford, Massachusetts; the design for the proposed New York State Agricultural College; and the plans for the entrance gate and chapel for the Cemetery of the Evergreens in Brooklyn, New York.[22] While traveling in London in 1850, Downing met the young English architect Calvert Vaux (1825—1895) and convinced Vaux to move to Newburgh so that he could pursue additional architectural projects with Vaux’s assistance. From September 1850 until July 1852, Vaux worked with Downing—initially in Downing’s employ before the two formed a professional partnership, “Downing & Vaux, Architects.” Of their many collaborations, Springside, Matthew Vassar’s (1792—1868) one-hundred-acre estate in Poughkeepsie, New York, is one of the few that survives largely intact [Fig. 10].[23]

Downing and Vaux’s most significant project was the 1850—52 plans for a Public Grounds in Washington, DC, located in the area that now constitutes the National Mall. At the behest of Smithsonian Secretary Joseph Henry (1797—1878), financier William Wilson Corcoran (1798—1888), Mayor Walter Lenox (1817—1874), and Commissioner of Public Buildings Ignatius Mudd (d. 1851), President Millard Fillmore (1800—1874) invited Downing to create a public park of approximately 150-acres, extending east-west between the foot of the United States Capitol Grounds and the Potomac River (then near the Washington Monument) and north-south between the river and the White House.[24] Therese O’Malley has argued that improvements to Washington’s public spaces during these years should be understood as an effort “to counteract the reputation of an unimproved capital and a center of slavery.” Following the abolition of the slave trade (although not slavery itself) in the city in 1850 and the removal of slave pens across from the Smithsonian Institution’s new building, Downing’s plans to redevelop the site bolstered the federal government’s attempts to present “the appearance of democracy” and “strengthen physical symbols of the national image” through the development of the city’s public spaces.[25]

Fig. 11, A. J. Downing, Plan Showing Proposed Method of Laying Out the Public Grounds at Washington, 1851.
Fig. 12, A. J. Downing, Suspension bridge across the Canal [proposed], 1851.
Fig. 13, A. J. Downing, “Presidents Arch at the end of Penna Avenue,” 1851.
Fig. 14, Benjamin Franklin Smith Jr., Washington, D.C. with projected improvements, c. 1852.

Downing’s plan divided the Public Grounds into six sections [Fig. 11]. The U.S. Capitol Grounds would connect to the national Botanic Garden, located on the site of the former Columbian Institute, and then, continuing westward, to “Fountain Park,” the “Smithsonian Pleasure Grounds,” “Evergreen Garden,” and “Monument Park” (the area surrounding the Washington Monument). A suspension bridge [Fig. 12] would cross the Tiber Canal, connecting the “Monument Park” to the circular lawn of the “Parade or President’s Park” and then the “President’s Grounds” located adjacent to the White House. Downing proposed a marble triumphal “President’s Arch” [Fig. 13], located at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue near the “President’s Grounds,” to mark the main entrance to the Public Grounds from the city. With the exception of the “Evergreen Garden” and the “Parade or President’s Park,” Downing intended for the Public Grounds to be landscaped in what he called the natural style, with curving walks and picturesque arrangement of trees and artificial lakes [Fig. 14].[26] In accordance with his views on the functions of public parks noted above, Downing’s goals for the redevelopment of the National Mall were, in part, pedagogical. He wrote that he hoped the Public Grounds would “become a Public School of Instruction in every thing [sic] that relates to the growth and culture of trees” (view text).

President Fillmore approved the western portion of Downing’s plan in April 1851, and the clearing, draining, and grading of the area around the Smithsonian began almost immediately. However, Downing’s life and career were tragically cut short when, on July 28, 1852, the steamship Henry Clay, on which Downing was traveling between Newburgh and New York City, caught fire and he drowned. In his memory, the so-called Downing Urn was sponsored by the American Pomological Society, designed by Vaux, and sculpted in marble by Robert E. Launitz (1806—1870). Erected in 1856, it was the first monument to be completed on the National Mall.[27]

Through his writing and landscape projects, Downing left a legacy that continued to shape landscape design—and especially the urban park movement—in the United States long after his death. As designers of New York City’s Central Park, Vaux and Olmsted acknowledged that Downing’s design principles inspired their 1857—58 plan for the urban park.[28] In 1889 Vaux and Olmsted joined forces again to plan the Andrew Jackson Downing Memorial Park, which was dedicated in Newburgh, New York, to the memory of their friend and collaborator.[29]

Lacey Baradel


  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, September 1832, “Rural Embellishments” (2012: 144)[30]
“In this age of improvement, perhaps nothing is advancing more rapidly, though to many imperceptibly, than the science of Horticulture. Our native forests are fast disappearing, the luscious apple and the melting peach now occupy the places once tenanted by worthless crabs and thorns, and the floral and pomonal treasures of the four continents bloom and flourish in many a spot which had long been overshadowed by ancient oak and elm.
“The eye of an observing person is constantly reminding him of the rapid increase of costly and beautiful mansions, the abode of the wealthy farmer or the retreat of the retired citizen; and a few remarks on the rural embellishment of these are my principle reason for troubling you with this communication. That branch of horticulture called landscape gardening is, as yet, completely in its infancy among us; in fact, many—far too many—of our landed proprietors who are actively engaged in giving a character as to the appearance of their estates have but a feeble knowledge of the existence, much less the practice, of such an art.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, January 1837, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States” (Magazine of Horticulture 3: 8)[31]
“The branch of the art least understood and least practised in the United States is landscape gardening. The modern or picturesque style of laying out grounds is most generally attempted of late, and, we regret to see, in some cases where the geometric would be more in character with the country and the situations. The finest single example of landscape gardening, in the modern style, is at Dr. Hosack’s seat, Hyde Park, and the best specimens of the ancient or geometric style may probably be met with in the neighborhood of Philadelphia.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1841, Preface to A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . (1841: ii—iii)[32]
“While we have treatises in abundance on the various departments of the arts and sciences, there has not appeared even a single essay on the elegant art of Landscape Gardening. Hundreds of individuals who wish to ornament their grounds and embellish their places, are at a loss how to proceed, from the want of some leading principles, with the knowledge of which they would find it comparatively easy to produce delightful and satisfactory results.
“In the following pages I have attempted to trace out such principles, and to suggest practicable methods of embellishing our Rural Residences, on a scale commensurate to the views and means of our proprietors. While I have availed myself of the works of European authors, and especially those of Britain, where Landscape Gardening was first raised to the rank of a fine art, I have also endeavoured to adapt my suggestions especially to this country and to the peculiar wants of its inhabitants. . .
“The love of country is inseparably connected with the love of home. Whatever, therefore, leads man to assemble the comforts and elegancies of life around his habitation, tends to increase local attachments, and render domestic life more delightful; thus not only augmenting his own enjoyment, but strengthening his patriotism and making him a better citizen. And there is no employment or recreation which affords the mind greater or more permanent satisfaction, than that of cultivating the earth and adorning our property.” back up to History

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1841, Excerpt from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . (1841: 34—35)[32]
“A fac-simile imitation of nature in gardening, that is, a scene like wild nature, in which only wild trees, shrubs, and plants, are employed, and which is precisely like wild nature, produces pleasure only as it deceives us, and appears to be nature itself. An artistical imitation, affords pleasure to the mind, not only by the expressions of natural beauty which we discover in it, but by the more novel and choicer forms in which they are displayed, and by the tasteful art apparent in the arrangement. The relative merit of the two may be illustrated, by comparing the first, to the counterfeit of the human figure in wax, which at a short distance may be thought to be real, and the last, to the painted landscape or the marble statue. The two latter are no less imitations of nature, than the former, but they are expressive and elegant imitations only, which are never to be mistaken for the originals, as in the case of the wax figure.
“One of the chief elements of artistical imitation in Landscape Gardening, being a difference in the materials employed in the imitation of nature from those in nature herself, nothing can be more apparent, than the necessity of introducing largely, exotic ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, instead of those of indigenous growth. Thus, to take the simplest example, if we suppose a lawn of an acre, arranged with groups of trees, the groups composed of lindens, horse-chestnuts and magnolias, where the native forests are only filled with oak and ash trees, the variety of the foliage and blossoms alone, will at once suggest the recognition of art. Borders of rare flowers, and climbing plants,—gravel walks, in the place of common paths or roads,—smooth turf, instead of wild meadow,—elegant vases and architectural ornaments, with many other accessories, bespeaking the presence of tasteful and enlightened mind; all these are the essential characteristics of Landscape Gardening, considered as an art of imitation.” back up to History

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1842, Preface to Cottage Residences (1842: ii—iv)[33]
“. . . I wish to inspire all persons with a love of beautiful forms and a desire to assemble them around their daily walks of life. I wish them to appreciate how superior is the charm of that home where we discover the tasteful cottage or villa, and the well designed and neatly kept garden or grounds, full of beauty and harmony, not the less beautiful and harmonious because simple and limited, and to become aware that these superior forms, and the higher and more refined enjoyment derived from them, may be had at the same cost and with the same labor as a clumsy dwelling, and its uncouth and ill designed accessories. . .
“The relation between a country house and its ‘surroundings,’ have led me to consider, under the term Residences, both the architectural and the gardening designs. To constitute an agreeable whole, these should indeed have a harmonious correspondence one with the other; and although most of the following designs have not actually be carried into execution, yet it is believed that they will, either entirely or in part, be found adapted to many cases of every day occurrence, or at least, furnish hints for variations suitable for peculiar circumstances and situations.” back up to History

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1844, Excerpt from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . (1844: 59—60)[34]
“Within the last five years, we think the picturesque is beginning to be preferred. It has, when a suitable locality offers, great advantage for us. The raw materials of wood, water, and surface, by the margin of many of our rivers and brooks, are at once appropriated with so much effect, and so little art, in the picturesque mode; the annual tax on the purse too, is so comparatively little, and the charm so great!
“On the other hand, the residences of a country of level plains, usually allow only, the beauty of simple, and graceful forms; and the larger desmesne, with its swelling hills and noble masses of wood, (may we not, prospectively, say the prairie too,) should always, in the hands of the man of wealth, be made to display all the freeness and beauty of the Graceful school.
“But there are many persons with small, cottage places, of little decided character, who have neither room, time, nor income, to attempt the improvement of their grounds fully, after either of those two schools. How shall they render their places tasteful and agreeable, in the easiest manner? We answer, by attempting only the simple and the natural; and the unfailing way to secure this, is by employing only trees and grass. A soft verdant lawn, and a few forest or ornamental trees, well grouped, give universal pleasure—they contain in themselves, in fact, the basis of all our agreeable sensations in a landscape garden—(natural beauty, and the recognition of art,) and they are the most enduring sources of enjoyment in any place.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1844, Excerpt from “Note on Professional Quackery,” Appendix IV in A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; . . . (1844: 493)[34]
Landscape Gardening, like all other arts, is not ignorant pretenders of knowledge, who, without a spark of appreciation for the beautiful in nature, boldly undertake to remodel, in what they consider a tasteful and fashionable style, every piece of natural landscape, whether of a simple or highly picturesque character. . . We have seen one or two examples lately where a froeign soi-disant landscape gardener has completely spoiled the simply grand beauty of a fine river residence, by cutting up the breadth of a fine lawn with a ridiculous effort at what he considered a very charming arrangement of walks and groups of tree. In this case he only followed a mode sufficiently common and appropriate in a level inland country, like that of Germany, from whence he introduced it, but entirely out of keeping with the bold and lake-like features of the landscape which he thus made discordant.” back up to History

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, October 1848, “A Talk about Public Parks and Gardens” (1853: 146)[35]
“. . . what an important influence these public resorts, of a rational and refined character, must exert in elevating the national character, and softening the many little jealousies of social life by a community of enjoyments. A people will have its pleasures, as certainly as its religion or laws; and whether these pleasures are poisonous and hurtful, or innocent and salutary, must greatly depend on the interest taken in them by the directing minds of the age. Get some country town of the first class to set the example by making a public park or garden of this kind. Let our people once see for themselves the influence for good which it would effect, no less than the healthful enjoyment it will afford, and I feel confident that the taste for public pleasure-grounds, in the United States, will spread as rapidly as that for cemeteries has done. If my own observation of the effect of these places in Germany is worth any thing, you may take my word for it that they will be better preachers of temperance than temperance societies, better refiners of national manners than dancing-schools, and better promoters of general good feeling than any lectures on the philosophy of happiness ever delivered in the lecture-room. In short, I am in earnest about the matter, and must therefore talk, write, preach, do all I can about it, and beg the assistance of all those who have public influence, till some good experiment of the kind is fairly tried in this country.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, August 1849, “The Philosophy of Rural Taste” (1853: 105)[35]
“The corollary to be drawn from this learned and curious investigation of the history of national sensibility and taste, is a very clear and satisfactory one, viz., that as success, in 'the art of composing a landscape' (as Humboldt significantly calls landscape-gardening), depends on appreciation of nature, the taste of the individual as well as that of a nation, will be in direct proportion to the profound sensibility with which he perceives the Beautiful in natural scenery.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1850, Preface to The Architecture of Country Houses (1850: v—vi)[36]
“There are three excellent reasons why my countrymen should have good houses.
“The first, is because a good house (and by this I mean a fitting, tasteful, and significant dwelling) is a powerful means of civilization. A nation, whose rural population is content to live in mean huts and miserable hovels, is certain to be behind its neighbors in education, the arts, and all that makes up the external signs of progress. With the perception of proportion, symmetry, order and beauty, awakens the desire for possession, and with them comes that refinement of manners which distinguishes a civilized from a coarse and brutal people. So long as men are forced to dwell in log huts and follow a hunter’s life, we must not be surprised at lynch law and the use of the bowie knife. But, when smiling lawns and tasteful cottages begin to embellish the country, we know that order and culture are established. And, as the first incentive towards this change is awakened in the minds of most men by the perception of beauty and superiority in external objects, it must follow that the interest manifested in the Rural Architecture of a country like this, has much to do with the progress of its civilization.
“The second reason is, because the individual home has a great social value for a people. Whatever new systems may be needed for the regeneration of an old and enfeebled nation, we are persuaded that, in America, not only is the distinct family the best social form, but those elementary forces which give rise to the highest genius and the finest character may, for the most part, be traced back to the farm-house and the rural cottage. It is the solitude and freedom of the family home in the country which constantly preserves the purity of the nation, and invigorates its intellectual powers. The battle of life, carried on in cities, gives a sharper edge to the weapon of character, but its temper is, for the most part, fixed amid those communings with nature and the family, where individuality takes its most natural and strongest development.
“The third reason is, because there is a moral influence in a country house—when, among an educated, truthful, and refined people, it is an echo of their character—which is more powerful than any mere oral teachings of virtue and morality. . .
“After the volumes I have previously written on this subject, it is needless for me to add more on the purpose of this work. But it is, perhaps, proper that I should say, that it is rather intended to develop the growing taste of the people, than as a scientific work on art. Rural Architecture is, indeed, so much more a sentiment, and so much less a science, than Civil Architecture, that the majority of persons will always build for themselves, and, unconsciously, throw something of their own character into their dwellings. To do this well and gracefully, and not awkwardly and clumsily, is always found more difficult than is supposed. I have, therefore, written this volume, in the hope that it may be of some little assistance to the popular taste. For the same reason, I have endeavored to explain the whole subject in so familiar a manner, as to interest all classes of readers who can find anything interesting in beauty, convenience or fitness of a house in the country.” back up to History

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, June 1850, “Our Country Villages” (Horticulturist 4: 540)[37]
“The indispensable desiderata in rural villages of this kind [newly planned in the suburbs of a great city], are the following: 1st, a large open space, common, or park, situated in the middle of the village—not less than 20 acres; and better, if 50 or more in extent. This should be well planted with groups of trees, and kept as a lawn. The expense of mowing it would be paid by the grass in some cases; and in others a considerable part of the space might be enclosed with a wire fence, and fed by sheep or cows, like many of the public parks in England.
“This park would be the nucleus or heart of the village, and would give it an essentially rural character. Around it should be grouped all the best cottages and residences of the place; and this would be secured by selling no lots fronting upon it of less than one-fourth of an acre in extent.”

  • Downing, Andrew Jackson, March 3, 1851, “Explanatory Notes,” describing plans for improving the Public Grounds in Washington, DC (quoted in Washburn 1967: 54, 55)[38]
“My object in this Plan has been three-fold:
“1st: To form a national Park, which should be an ornament to the Capital of the United States; 2nd: To give an example of the natural style of Landscape Gardening which may have an influence on the general taste of the Country; 3rd: To form a collection of all the trees that will grown in the climate of Washington, and, by having these trees plainly labelled with their popular and scientific names, to form a public museum of living trees and shrubs where every person visiting Washington could become familiar with the habits and growth of all the hardy trees. . .
“A national Park like this, laid out and planted in a thorough manner, would exercise as much influence on the public taste as Mount Auburn Cemetery near Boston, has done. Though only twenty years have elapsed since that spot was laid out, the lesson there taught has been so largely influential that at the present moment the United States, while they have no public parks, are acknowledged to possess the finest rural cemeteries in the world. The Public Grounds at Washington treated in the manner I have here suggested, would undoubtedly become a Public School of Instruction in every thing that relates to the tasteful arrangement of parks and grounds, and the growth and culture of trees, while they would serve, more than anything else that could be devised, to embellish and give interest to the Capital. The straight lines and broad Avenues of the streets of Washington would be pleasantly relieved and contrasted by the beauty of curved lines and natural groups of trees in the various parks. By its numerous public buildings and broad Avenues, Washington will one day command the attention of every stranger, and if its un-improved public grounds are tastefully improved they will form the most perfect background or setting to the City, concealing many of its defects and heightening all its beauties.”

  • Anonymous, September 1852 (Horticulturist 7: 394—95)[39]
“In the editorship of the HORTICULTURIST, he has shown, perhaps, better than in his other writings, the peculiar fitness of his talents to educate the popular taste for the beautiful in nature and art. The success which has attended this periodical, and the increased attention which is being paid to Landscape Gardening, Horticulture and Rural Decoration, are proof of the beneficial influence of his labors. . . Mr. Downing was not by eminance a theorist. It was not his aim to build castles too grand and lofty for human realization, or to show the power of his intellect by forming conceptions, which imagination only could give being to. The great question with him, was, how much of the really beautiful can be made subservient to the public good? how far can elegance and utility be combined? how much of the spirit of the amateur can be infused into the mass of the rural population? He has answered these questions by his deeds.”

  • Anonymous, September 1852, obituaries for A. J. Downing (Horticulturist 7: 430)[40]
“[From the New York Evening Post]
“These publications of Mr. Downing, more than any other agency, had worked a change in our style of building, and created a general improvement in taste. He was commissioned, by a large number of gentlemen about to construct private residences, to prepare the designs and lay out the grounds. The evidence of his fine professional accomplishments now meet us in all parts of the country, and his loss is one that will be felt far beyond the bereaved circle of which he was the ornament and pride.”



  1. Robert Twombly, “Introduction: Architect and Gardener to the Republic,” in Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), 15—16, view on Zotero
  2. See also Twombly 2012, 15, 19, view on Zotero; David Schuyler, Apostle of Taste: Andrew Jackson Downing 1815—1852 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 74—76, view on Zotero.
  3. Twombly 2012, 18—19, view on Zotero; Schuyler 1996, 214, view on Zotero.
  4. Adam W. Sweeting notes that, while Downing did not quote Burke and departed from Burke’s theories, in some respects, Downing's characterization of the Beautiful "followed the wording of his English predecessor almost exactly.” Adam W. Sweeting, Reading Houses and Building Books: Andrew Jackson Downing and the Architecture of Popular Antebellum Literature, 1835—1855 (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996), 19—20, view on Zotero. Caren Yglesias argues that for Downing “the most important theoretical work was Sir Uvedale Price’s An Essay on the Picturesque (1794).” Caren Yglesias, The Complete House and Grounds: Learning from Andrew Jackson Downing’s Domestic Architecture (Chicago: Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, 2011), 21, view on Zotero. In 1850 Downing spent three months traveling in England, Paris, and Belgium. He published his impressions in a series of letters in the Horticulturist in 1850—51. Twombly 2012, 21, view on Zotero. Eight of “Mr. Downing’s Letters from England” were published monthly in the Horticulturist between September 1850 (vol. 5, no. 3) and March 1851 (vol. 6, no. 3), and in June 1851 (vol. 6, no. 6).
  5. Schuyler 1996, 2, view on Zotero.
  6. According to Pauly, Downing was particularly upset that William Backhouse Astor, proprietor of Rokeby, an estate located about ten miles north of Hyde Park, hired Hans Jacob Ehlers (1804—1858), who had been trained in Germany and Denmark, as his landscape gardener in 1841. Philip J. Pauly, Fruits and Plains: The Horticultural Transformation of America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), 169—70, view on Zotero.
  7. Twombly 2012, 20, view on Zotero. Downing and Davis met through their friend Robert Donaldson (1800—1872) in late 1838 or early 1839. Davis had designed Donaldson’s estate, Blithewood, on the Hudson River. Schuyler 1996, 50, view on Zotero.
  8. Yglesias 2011, 4, view on Zotero.
  9. The 1849 publication is the fourth edition. The second edition, published in 1844, “included an announcement for a third” edition, which was likely never published. Therese O’Malley, Introduction to A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America, ed. A. J. Downing, 4th ed. (1849; repr., Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1991), x, xn20, view on Zotero. In the first twelve years, Downing’s Treatise sold approximately 9,000 copies. Schuyler 1996, 28, view on Zotero. For an analysis of the various editions of the Treatise edited by Downing, see Judith K. Major, To Live in the New World: A. J. Downing and American Landscape Gardening (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997), 7—98, view on Zotero.
  10. Twombly notes that while The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America was the third book that Downing published, it was actually the second one written. By 1841 Downing was already working on the manuscript. Twombly 2012, 19, view on Zotero.
  11. Schuyler 1996, 152, view on Zotero.
  12. Downing published the essay as a letter to the editor, signed “X. Y. Z. Newburgh,” in New-York Farmer and Horticultural Repository 5 (September 1832); A. J. Downing, Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts, ed. Robert Twombly (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), 143—48, view on Zotero.
  13. Yglesias 2011, 33, view on Zotero.
  14. Twombly 2012, 15, 17, 34, view on Zotero; Schuyler 1996, 18—20, 120, view on Zotero.
  15. Therese O’Malley, “‘A Public Museum of Trees’: Mid-Nineteenth Century Plans for the Mall,” in The Mall in Washington, 1791—1991, ed. by Richard Longstreth, Studies in the History of Art, Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, Symposium Papers, XIV, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2002), xxx, 63, view on Zotero.
  16. Twombly 2012, 32, 34—35, view on Zotero. See also A. J. Downing, “Our Country Villages,” Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste 4, no. 12 (June 1850): 540—41, view on Zotero.
  17. W. [Frederick Law Olmsted], “The People’s Park at Birkenhead, Near Liver[p]ool,” Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste 6 (1851): 224–28, view on Zotero.
  18. Schuyler 1996, 229, view on Zotero.
  19. Twombly 2012, 18, view on Zotero.
  20. Caroline Elizabeth De Windt was the granddaughter of John Adams (1735—1826), the second president of the United States, and grand-niece of John Quincy Adams (1767—1848), the sixth president of the United States. When Eunice Bridge Downing died in 1838, Downing and his brother Charles (1802—1885) inherited more than eleven acres. They divided the property evenly, each taking four-and-a-half acres with the remaining two-plus acres held jointly. The house was completed in 1839 on the property that Downing inherited. Twombly 2012, 17, view on Zotero.
  21. Sweeting 1996, 128, 131, view on Zotero.
  22. Schuyler 1996, 155, view on Zotero.
  23. For more information on Downing and Vaux’s commission for Springside, see Schuyler 1996, 164—70, view on Zotero. Other projects include a block of commercial shops and offices in Boston’s waterfront district; the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York; houses for David Moore and Dr. William A. M. Culbert in Newburgh, New York; Italianate villas for the brothers Robert P. and Francis Dodge in Georgetown, Washington, DC; and Daniel Parish’s villa on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island. See Twombly 2012, 22—23, view on Zotero; Schuyler 1996, 170—74, view on Zotero.
  24. Schuyler 1996, 192, view on Zotero.
  25. O’Malley 2002, 61—62. See also pages 70—71, view on Zotero.
  26. Twombly 2012, 29, view on Zotero; see also Schuyler 1996, 196—198, view on Zotero; and O’Malley 2002, 64—70, view on Zotero.
  27. President Fillmore met with Downing in November 1850, and Downing completed a plan in February 1851. Fillmore approved the plans west of 7th Street in April 1851 and the plans east of 7th Street in February 1853, after Downing’s death. Twombly 2012, 23—24, 29, view on Zotero; Schuyler 1996, 199, 201, view on Zotero. In response to the burning of the Henry Clay, the architect Robert Mills wrote to Fillmore in August 1852 to propose a solution to protect steamers and prevent similar tragedies. Mills did not refer to Downing by name in his letter but did note the “hecatomb of victims.” Letter from Robert Mills to President Millard Fillmore, August 6, 1852, quoted in H. M. Pierce Gallagher, Robert Mills, Architect of the Washington Monument, 1781—1855 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1935), 208—9, view on Zotero. See also O’Malley 2002, 76n61, view on Zotero. Since 1989, the urn has been located in the Enid A. Haupt Garden behind the Smithsonian Castle. Smithsonian Gardens website, http://www.gardens.si.edu/our-gardens/downing-urn.html.
  28. Twombly 2012, 15, 25, view in Zotero.
  29. Yglesias 2011, 22, view on Zotero.
  30. A. J. Downing, Andrew Jackson Downing: Essential Texts, ed. Robert Twombly (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012), view on Zotero.
  31. A. J. Downing, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States,” Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and All Useful Discoveries and Improvements in Rural Affairs 3, no. 1 (January 1837): 1–10, view on Zotero.
  32. 32.0 32.1 A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; with a View to the Improvement of Country Residences. . . with Remarks on Rural Architecture (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1841), view on Zotero.
  33. A. J. Downing, Cottage Residences; or A Series of Designs for Rural Cottages and Cottage-Villas and their Gardens and Grounds. Adapted to North America, (New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1842), view on Zotero.
  34. 34.0 34.1 A. J. Downing, A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America; with a View to the Improvement of Country Residences. . . with Remarks on Rural Architecture, 2nd ed. (New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1844), view on Zotero.
  35. 35.0 35.1 A. J. Downing, Rural Essays (New York: George P. Putnam and Company, 1853), view on Zotero.
  36. A. J. Downing, The Architecture of Country Houses; Including Designs for Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1850), View on Zotero
  37. A. J. Downing, “Our Country Villages,” Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste 4, no. 12 (June 1850): 537–41, view on Zotero.
  38. Wilcomb E. Washburn, “Vision of Life for the Mall,” AIA Journal 47 (March 1967): 52—59, view on Zotero.
  39. Anonymous, “Mr. Downing and the Horticulturist,” Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste 7, no. 9 (September 1852): 393–97, view on Zotero.
  40. “Tributes to the Memory of Mr. Downing,” Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste 7, no. 9 (September 1852): 427–30, view on Zotero.

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