A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
History of Early American Landscape Design

Noah Webster

[http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/research/casva/research-projects.html A Project of the National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts ]
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  • 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language (n.p.)
AL’LEY, n. al’ly [Fr. allée, a passage, from aller to go; Ir. alladh. Literally, a passing or going.]
“1. A walk in a garden; a narrow passage.
“2. A narrow passage or way in a city, as distinct from a public street.
“3. A place in London where stocks are bought and sold. Ash.”

  • 1848, An American Dictionary of the English Language (p.32) [1]
"AL'COVE, AL-COVE, n. [Sp. alcoba, composed of al, with the Ar. . . . kabba, to arch, to construct with an arch, and its derivatives, an arch, a rounded house; Eng. cubby.] . . .
"3. A covered building, or recess, in a garden.
"4. A recess in a grove."




  1. Webster, Noah. 1828. An American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. New York: S. Converse. view on Zotero

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History of Early American Landscape Design contributors, "Noah Webster," History of Early American Landscape Design, , https://heald.nga.gov/mediawiki/index.php?title=Noah_Webster&oldid=4865 (accessed June 26, 2024).

A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts

National Gallery of Art, Washington