[ A Project of the National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts ]
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Anonymous +
Anthony St. John Baker +
Archibald Campbell, Sketch of the Northern Frontiers of Georgia, extending from the mouth of the River Savannah to the town of Augusta, 1780 +
Archibald Campbell +
Augustus Köllner +
Augustus Köllner, "President's House," 1848. White House Collection\White House Historical Association, Washington, D.C. +
Augustus Köllner +
Augustus Weidenbach +
Baroness Anne-Marguerite-Henriette Hyde de Neuville +
Barthélémy Lafon, "Plan de l'Habitation de Feu Jn. Bte. de Marigny Pour servir au partage des héritiers. . . ," September 15, 1806 +
Barthélémy Lafon +
Batty Langley, The Design of an Elegant Kitchen Garden Contain'g ARP 1.2.20. Including Walks, 1728 +
Batty Langley +
Batty Langley, One of two "Designs for Gardens that lye irregularly to the ground House . . . House opening to the North upon a plain Parterre of Grass," in New Principles of Gardening, or The laying out and planting parterres, groves, wildernesses, labyrinths, avenues, parks, &c. (1728) +
Batty Langley +
Batty and Thomas Langley +
Batty and Thomas Langley +
Benjamin Henry Latrobe +
Benjamin Henry Latrobe +
Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Plan of the Camp, Methodist camp meeting at Georgetown, Virginia, August 6, 1809 +
Benjamin Henry Latrobe +
Benjamin Henry Latrobe +