A Project of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
History of Early American Landscape Design

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edwood, Abraham, Jr., c. 1760, in a letter to his  
*Redwood, Abraham, Jr., c. 1760, in a letter to his plantation manager,describing Redwood Farm, seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr., Portsmouth, R.I. (Rhode Island Landscape Survey)  
plantation manager, describing Redwood Farm,  
seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr., Portsmouth, R.I.  
(Rhode Island Landscape Survey)  
“I would desire you send to me one hhd of  
:“I would desire you send to me one hhd of good rum and one hhd of good sugar and I desire that you speak to your overseer to put up in Durt one dozen of Small orange Trees that has bore one or two years with the young fruit upon them, if to be had that has bore two or three years of Saffadella trees, four young figg trees and some Guavas roots, to put in my greenhouse, for I have made a garden of 1 1/2 acres of land and I have built a green house twenty-two feet long, Twelve feet wide and Twelve feet high, and a hotte house Sixteen feet long Twelve feet wide and Twelve feet high, and I have growing in my greenhouse Fifty young fruit trees from six inches to four feet high, and my Gardner says ye largest will not bear fruit these two years, and I have hotte house Strawberries, Bush beans and Crownations in Blossom.”  
good rum and one hhd of good sugar and I desire  
that you speak to your overseer to put up in Durt  
one dozen of Small orange Trees that has bore one  
or two years with the young fruit upon them, if to  
be had that has bore two or three years of Saffadella  
trees, four young figg trees and some  
Guavas roots, to put in my greenhouse, for I have  
made a garden of 1 1/2 acres of land and I have  
built a green house twenty-two feet long, Twelve  
feet wide and Twelve feet high, and a hotte house  
Sixteen feet long Twelve feet wide and Twelve feet  
high, and I have growing in my greenhouse Fifty  
young fruit trees from six inches to four feet high,  
and my Gardner says ye largest will not bear fruit  
these two years, and I have hotte house Strawberries,  
Bush beans and Crownations in Blossom.”  
Drowne, Samuel, 24 June 1767, describing Redwood
Farm, seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr.,
Portsmouth, R.I. (Rhode Island Landscape Survey)
“Mr. Redwood’s garden . . . is one of the finest
*Drowne, Samuel, 24 June 1767, describing Redwood Farm, seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr., Portsmouth, R.I. (Rhode Island Landscape Survey)
gardens I ever saw in my life. In it grows all sorts
of West Indian fruits, viz: Oranges, Lemons,  
Limes, Pineapples, and Tamarinds and other sorts.  
It has also West Indian flowers—very pretty
ones— and a fine summer house. It was told my
father that the man that took care of the garden
had above 100 dollars per annum. It had Hot  
:“Mr. Redwood’s garden . . . is one of the finest gardens I ever saw in my life. In it grows all sorts of West Indian fruits, viz: Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Pineapples, and Tamarinds and other sorts. It has also West Indian flowers—very pretty ones— and a fine summer house. It was told my father that the man that took care of the garden had above 100 dollars per annum. It had Hot Houses where things that are tender are put for the winter, and hot beds for the West India Fruit. I saw one or two of these gardens in coming from the beach.”  
Houses where things that are tender are put for  
the winter, and hot beds for the West India Fruit. I  
saw one or two of these gardens in coming from  
the beach.”  
Vaughan, Samuel, 1787, describing Mount Vernon,
plantation of George Washington, Fairfax
County, Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton
1985: 142)
“Before the front of the house . . . there are
*Vaughan, Samuel, 1787, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton 1985: 142)
lawns, surrounded with gravel walks 19 feet wide.
with trees on each side the larger, for shade. outside
the walks trees & shrubberies. Parralel [sic] to
each exterior side a Kitchen Gardens. with a
stately hot house on one side.” [Fig. 4]
Hamilton, William, 1789, in a letter to his
:“Before the front of the house . . . there are lawns, surrounded with gravel walks 19 feet wide. with trees on each side the larger, for shade. outside the walks trees & shrubberies. Parralel [sic] to each exterior side a Kitchen Gardens. with a stately hot house on one side.” [Fig. 4]
secretary, Benjamin Hays Smith, describing the  
Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton, near
Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Madsen 1988: A4)
“In my Hurry at the time of coming off from
Home I omitted to put in the ground the exotic
Bulbous roots & as I gave no direction to Hilton
respecting them they may suffer more especially as
they were all taken out of the pots & left dry on
the Back flue of the Hot House.”
Bentley, William, 12 June 1791, describing Pleasant
*Hamilton, William, 1789, in a letter to his secretary, Benjamin Hays Smith, describing the Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton, near Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Madsen 1988: A4)  
Hill, seat of Joseph Barrell, Charlestown, Mass.  
(1962: 1:264)  
“[June] 12. Was politely received at dinner by
:“In my Hurry at the time of coming off from Home I omitted to put in the ground the exotic Bulbous roots & as I gave no direction to Hilton respecting them they may suffer more especially as they were all taken out of the pots & left dry on the Back flue of the Hot House.
Mr Barrell, & family, who shewed me his large &  
elegant arrangements for amusement, & philosophic
experiments. . . . His Garden is beyond any
example I have seen. . . . Below is the Hot House.  
In the apartment above are his flowers admitted
more freely to the air, & above a Summer House
with every convenience. . . . No expense is spared
to render the whole amusing, instructive, &
Anonymous, 1798, describing Mount Airy, property
*Bentley, William, 12 June 1791, describing Pleasant Hill, seat of Joseph Barrell, Charlestown, Mass. (1962: 1:264)  
of John Tayloe II, Richmond County, Va.  
(quoted in Lounsbury 1994: 184)  
“[Tayloe constructed a] ‘Green & Hot house’
:“[June] 12. Was politely received at dinner by Mr Barrell, & family, who shewed me his large & elegant arrangements for amusement, & philosophic experiments. . . . His Garden is beyond any example I have seen. . . . Below is
for £150; the smaller hothouses were attached to  
the Hot House. In the apartment above are his flowers admitted more freely to the air, & above a Summer House with every convenience. . . . No expense is spared to render the whole amusing, instructive, & friendly.”  
each side of the larger greenhouse.”  
Booth, William, 1799, describing in the Federal
Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser a sale of botanical
rarities in Baltimore (quoted in Sarudy 1989: 115)
“To Botanists, Gardeners and Florists, and to
*Anonymous, 1798, describing Mount Airy, property of John Tayloe II, Richmond County, Va. (quoted in Lounsbury 1994: 184)
all other gentlemen, curious in ornamental, rare
exotic or foreign plants and flowers, cultivated in
the greenhouse, hot-house, or stove, and in the
open ground. A large and numerous variety of
such rarities is now offered for sale.”
Searson, John, 1799, describing Mount Vernon,
:“[Tayloe constructed a] ‘Green & Hot house’ for £150; the smaller hothouses were attached to each side of the larger greenhouse.
plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County,
Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton 1985: 49)
“The gardens beautiful this time of year
Requites the husbandman for all his care
But, see with wonder, said my roving mind,
A hot-house here a stranger soon will find:
Hundreds of flow’rs and herbs you here may see
That in a common garden cannot be.”
*Booth, William, 1799, describing in the Federal Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser a sale of botanical rarities in Baltimore (quoted in Sarudy 1989:115)
Bentley, William, 19 June 1800, describing Elias
:“To Botanists, Gardeners and Florists, and to all other gentlemen, curious in ornamental, rare exotic or foreign plants and flowers, cultivated in the greenhouse, hot-house, or stove, and in the open ground. A large and numerous variety of such rarities is now offered for sale.”
Hasket Derby Farm, Peabody, Mass. (1962:
“19. . . . Stopped at Mr. Derby’s Garden in
which we experienced the utmost attention of Mr.
Heusler the Gardener. He first fed us with Cherries,
& Strawberries, & then exhibited the Luxuries
of the place. We saw Lemons growing in the Hot
House. A great variety of the Aloe plant was
shewn to us. We were shewn 5 species of the Geranium.
We saw the prickly pear in flower, &
received some of the flowers. I brought away a
specimen of the Roof House leek, which was a
beautiful species.”
Clitherall, Eliza Caroline Burgwin (Caroline
*Searson, John, 1799, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton 1985: 49)  
Elizabeth Burgwin), active 1801, describing  
a garden in Wilmington, N.C. (Lower Cape
Fear Historical Society, Autobiography and Diary
of Mrs. Eliza Clitherall, 2:1–3)  
“The Gardens were large, laid out in the English
:“The gardens beautiful this time of year Requites the husbandman for all his care But, see with wonder, said my roving mind, A hot-house here a stranger soon will find: Hundreds of flow’rs and herbs you here may see That in a common garden cannot be.”  
style—a Creek would thro’ the largest, upon
its banks grew native shrubbery; in this Garden
were several Alcoves, Summer Houses, a hothouse—
an Octagon summer house.”  
Anonymous, 30 January 1804, describing possibly
Vauxhall Garden, in New York, N.Y. (New
York Gazette & General Advertiser)
“To be let. . . . The land contains about 3 acres,  
*Bentley, William, 19 June 1800, describing Elias Hasket Derby Farm, Peabody, Mass. (1962: 2:341–42)
on which is a great variety of fruit of the best quality,  
a hot-house, etc. and is in every respect well
calculated for a gardener, or a summer residence.
[Fig. 5]
:“19. . . . Stopped at Mr. Derby’s Garden in which we experienced the utmost attention of Mr. Heusler the Gardener. He first fed us with Cherries, & Strawberries, & then exhibited the Luxuries of the place. We saw Lemons growingin the Hot House. A great variety of the Aloe plant was shewn to us. We were shewn 5 species of the Geranium. We saw the prickly pear in flower, & received some of the flowers. I brought away a specimen of the Roof House leek, which was a beautiful species.”
Hosack, David, 1806, describing Elgin Botanic
Garden, New York, N.Y. (pp. 3–4)
“In the year 1801 I purchased, of the Corporation
*Clitherall, Eliza Caroline Burgwin (Caroline Elizabeth Burgwin), active 1801, describing a garden in Wilmington, N.C. (Lower Cape Fear Historical Society, Autobiography and Diary of Mrs. Eliza Clitherall, 2:1–3)
of the city of New-York, twenty acres of
ground; the greater part of which is now in cultivation.  
Since that time . . . two Hot-Houses are
now erecting for the preservation of those plants
which require a greater degree of heat.
Drayton, Charles, 2 November 1806, describing
:“The Gardens were large, laid out in the English style—a Creek would thro’ the largest, upon its banks grew native shrubbery; in this Garden were several Alcoves, Summer Houses, a hothouse—an Octagon summer house.
the Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton,  
near Philadelphia, Pa. (Drayton Hall, Charles
Drayton Diaries, 1784–1820, typescript)
“[There is] a Spacious Conservatory [located]  
*Anonymous, 30 January 1804, describing possibly Vauxhall Garden, in New York, N.Y. (New York Gazette & General Advertiser)
:“To be let. . . . The land contains about 3 acres, on which is a great variety of fruit of the best quality, a hot-house, etc. and is in every respect well calculated for a gardener, or a summer residence.” [Fig. 5]
*Hosack, David, 1806, describing Elgin Botanic Garden, New York, N.Y. (pp. 3–4)
:“In the year 1801 I purchased, of the Corporation of the city of New-York, twenty acres of ground; the greater part of which is now in cultivation. Since that time . . . two Hot-Houses are now erecting for the preservation of those plants which require a greater degree of heat.”
*Drayton, Charles, 2 November 1806, describing the Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton, near Philadelphia, Pa. (Drayton Hall, Charles Drayton Diaries, 1784–1820, typescript)
:“[There is] a Spacious Conservatory [located]  
about 200 years [sic] to the west of the Mansion.  
about 200 years [sic] to the west of the Mansion.  
:“The Conservatory consists of a green house, & 2 hot houses—one being at each end of it. The green house may be about 50 feet long. The front only is glazed. Scaffolds are erected one higher than another, on which the plants in pots or tubs are planted so that it represents a declivity of a mountain. at each end are Step-ladders, for the purposes of going on each Stage to water the plants—& to a walk at the back-wall. on the floor a walk of 5 or 6 feet extends along the glazed wall. & at each end a door opens into an Hot house— so that a long walk extends in one line along the Stove walls to the houses & the glazed wall of the green house.
:“The Hot houses, they may extend in front I suppose 40 feet each. they have a wall heated by flues—& 3 glazed walls & a glazed roof each. in the centre, a frame of wood is raised about 2 1/2 feet high, & occupying the whole area except leaving a passage along by the walls. in the flue wall or adjoining, is a cistern for tropic aquatic plants. within the frame, is composed a hot bed; into which the pots & tubs with plants are plunged. This Conservatory is said to be equal to any in Europe. It contains between 7 & 8000 plants. To this the Professor of botany is permitted to resort, with his Pupils occasionally. As the position of many plants require external exposure in the Summer Season that also is contrived with much ingenuity & beauty. there are 2 large oval grass plats in front of the Conservatory—& 2 behind. holes are nicely made in these, to receive pots & tubs with their plants, even to their rims. the tallest are placed in the centre, & decreasing to the verge. thus they represent a miniature hill clothed with choice vegetation.”
*Memorial of the Columbian Institute, December 1818, describing the Columbian Institute, Washington, D.C. (quoted in O’Malley 1989: 123)
“The Conservatory consists of a green house, &
:“[Columbian Institute lottery for] enclosing the grounds, for the erection of their hall—their laboratory—their hot and green houses,—their library and museum, and for the cultivation of the botanic garden, wherein they hoped ‘to soon present to the view of their fellow citizens specimens of all the plants of this middle region of our country, with others exotic and domestic . . . for the promotion of a great national object. . . .
2 hot houses—one being at each end of it. The
green house may be about 50 feet long. The front
only is glazed. Scaffolds are erected one higher
than another, on which the plants in pots or tubs
are planted so that it represents a declivity of a
mountain. at each end are Step-ladders, for the  
purposes of going on each Stage to water the  
plants—& to a walk at the back-wall. on the floor
a walk of 5 or 6 feet extends along the glazed wall.  
& at each end a door opens into an Hot house—
so that a long walk extends in one line along the
Stove walls to the houses & the glazed wall of the
green house.  
“The Hot houses, they may extend in front I
suppose 40 feet each. they have a wall heated by
flues—& 3 glazed walls & a glazed roof each. in the
centre, a frame of wood is raised about 2 1/2 feet
high, & occupying the whole area except leaving a
passage along by the walls. in the flue wall or
adjoining, is a cistern for tropic aquatic plants.
within the frame, is composed a hot bed; into
which the pots & tubs with plants are plunged.
This Conservatory is said to be equal to any in
Europe. It contains between 7 & 8000 plants. To
this the Professor of botany is permitted to resort,
with his Pupils occasionally. As the position of
many plants require external exposure in the
Summer Season that also is contrived with much
ingenuity & beauty. there are 2 large oval grass
plats in front of the Conservatory—& 2 behind.
holes are nicely made in these, to receive pots &
tubs with their plants, even to their rims. the
tallest are placed in the centre, & decreasing to the
verge. thus they represent a miniature hill clothed
with choice vegetation.”
Memorial of the Columbian Institute,  
*Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 26 December 1829, describing D. and C. Landreth’s Nursery on Federal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore 1954: 355)  
December 1818, describing the Columbian Institute,
Washington, D.C. (quoted in O’Malley 1989: 123)  
[Columbian Institute lottery for] enclosing
:“Rode out to Landreths Nursery and passed through his hot house [which contained] a number of dwarf Orange & Lemon trees in fruit, a few Camelia, Japonicas in Bloom.” [Fig. 6]
the grounds, for the erection of their hall—their
laboratory—their hot and green houses,—their
library and museum, and for the cultivation of the
botanic garden, wherein they hoped ‘to soon present
to the view of their fellow citizens specimens
of all the plants of this middle region of our country,  
with others exotic and domestic . . . for the
promotion of a great national object. . . .”
Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 26 December 1829,
describing D. and C. Landreth’s Nursery on Federal
*Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 29 December 1829, describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore 1954: 359–60)  
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore  
1954: 355)  
“Rode out to Landreths Nursery and passed
:“the hot house is said to be the largest in the US. It is filled to overflowing with the choicest Exotics: the Chaddock Orange of different kinds & the Lemon loaded with fruit. There are two coffee trees with their berries. Some few shrubs were in flower & others seeded, & I was politely furnished with a few seed of 2 varieties of flowers (Myrtle & an accacia). In front of the hot house, one at each end, is a Lion of marble, well executed, & a dog in front. On the roof is a range of marble busts.”  
through his hot house [which contained] a number
of dwarf Orange & Lemon trees in fruit, a few  
Camelia, Japonicas in Bloom.” [Fig. 6]
Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 29 December 1829,
describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt,  
*Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 1830, describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Boyd 1929: 432)  
Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore 1954: 359–60)  
“the hot house is said to be the largest in the  
:“The treasures contained in the hot and green houses are numerous. Besides a very fine collection of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, Bergamot, Pomgranate and Fig trees in excellent condition and full of fruit, we notice with admiration the many thousand of exotics to which Mr. Pratt is annually adding. The most conspicuous among these, are the tea tree; the coffee tree—loaded with fruit; the sugar cane; the pepper tree; Banana, Plantain, Guva, Cherimona, Ficus, Mango, the Cacti in great splendour, some 14 feet high, and a gigantic Euphorbia Trigonia—19 years old, and 13 feet high. The green houses are 220 feet long by 16 broad; exhibiting the finest range of glass for the preservation of plants, on this continent. . . .
US. It is filled to overflowing with the choicest
:“Mr. Pratt’s are furnished with the rarest productions of every clime, so that the committee place the conservatory of Lemon Hill at the very head of all similar establishments in this country.”
Exotics: the Chaddock Orange of different kinds &
the Lemon loaded with fruit. There are two coffee  
trees with their berries. Some few shrubs were in  
flower & others seeded, & I was politely furnished
with a few seed of 2 varieties of flowers (Myrtle &
an accacia). In front of the hot house, one at each
end, is a Lion of marble, well executed, & a dog in  
front. On the roof is a range of marble busts.”  
Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural
Society, 1830, describing Lemon Hill,
estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in
Boyd 1929: 432)
“The treasures contained in the hot and green
*Forman, Martha Ogle, 12 October 1830, describing Rose Hill, home of Martha Ogle For-man, Baltimore County, Md. (1976: 292)
houses are numerous. Besides a very fine collection
of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, Bergamot,
Pomgranate and Fig trees in excellent condition
and full of fruit, we notice with admiration the
many thousand of exotics to which Mr. Pratt is
annually adding. The most conspicuous among
these, are the tea tree; the coffee tree—loaded with
fruit; the sugar cane; the pepper tree; Banana, Plantain,  
Guva, Cherimona, Ficus, Mango, the Cacti in
great splendour, some 14 feet high, and a gigantic
Euphorbia Trigonia—19 years old, and 13 feet high.
The green houses are 220 feet long by 16 broad;
exhibiting the finest range of glass for the preservation
of plants, on this continent. . . .  
“Mr. Pratt’s are furnished with the rarest productions
:“I rode out with Mrs. Longstreeth to her country seat. I was very much pleased they have a very spacious house handsomely furnished, an elegant green house and hot house and all the grounds in beautiful order.”  
of every clime, so that the committee
place the conservatory of Lemon Hill at the very
head of all similar establishments in this country.”
Forman, Martha Ogle, 12 October 1830,
describing Rose Hill, home of Martha Ogle For-
*Thacher, James, 3 December 1830, “An Excursion on the Hudson,” describing Hyde Park, seat of Dr. David Hosack, on the Hudson River, N.Y. (New England Farmer 9: 156)  
man, Baltimore County, Md. (1976: 292)  
“I rode out with Mrs. Longstreeth to her country
:“At an equal distance south, is to be seen the green house and hot house, a spacious edifice, constructed with great architectural taste and elegance, and well calculated for the preservation of the most tender exotics that require protection in our climate. It is composed of a centre and two wings, extending 110 feet in front and from 17 to 20 feet deep. One apartment is appropriated to a large collection of pines.”  
seat. I was very much pleased they have a very
spacious house handsomely furnished, an elegant
green house and hot house and all the grounds in  
beautiful order.”  
Thacher, James, 3 December 1830, “An Excursion
on the Hudson,” describing Hyde Park, seat
of Dr. David Hosack, on the Hudson River, N.Y.
(New England Farmer 9: 156)
“At an equal distance south, is to be seen the
*Downing, A. J., January 1837, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States,” describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (Magazine of Horticulture 3: 4)
green house and hot house, a spacious edifice,  
constructed with great architectural taste and elegance,
and well calculated for the preservation of  
the most tender exotics that require protection in
our climate. It is composed of a centre and two
wings, extending 110 feet in front and from 17 to
20 feet deep. One apartment is appropriated to a
large collection of pines.”
Downing, A. J., January 1837, “Notices on the  
:“For a long time the grounds of Mr. Pratt, at Lemon Hill, near Philadelphia, have been considered the show-garden of that city: and the proprietor, with a praiseworthy spirit, opening his long-shaded walks, cool grottoes, jets d’eau, and the superb range of hot-houses, to the inspection of the citizens, contributed in a wonderful degree to improve the taste of the inhabitants, and to inspire them with a desire to possess the more beautiful and delicate productions of nature.
State and Progress of Horticulture in the United
States,” describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry
Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (Magazine of Horticulture
3: 4)
“For a long time the grounds of Mr. Pratt, at
Lemon Hill, near Philadelphia, have been considered
the show-garden of that city: and the proprietor,
with a praiseworthy spirit, opening his
long-shaded walks, cool grottoes, jets d’eau, and
the superb range of hot-houses, to the inspection
of the citizens, contributed in a wonderful degree
to improve the taste of the inhabitants, and to
inspire them with a desire to possess the more
beautiful and delicate productions of nature.”
Hovey, C. M., October 1839, “Some Remarks  
*Hovey, C. M., October 1839, “Some Remarks upon several Gardens and Nurseries in Providence, Burlington, (N.J.) and Baltimore,” describing the residence of Dr. T. Edmondson, Jr., Baltimore, Md. (Magazine of Horticulture 5: 374)
upon several Gardens and Nurseries in Providence,  
Burlington, (N.J.) and Baltimore,” describ
:“Attached to the garden is a green-house, hothouse and conservatory, with a blank roof in the old style: this is made use of to preserve a number of large old lemon and orange trees.”
ing the residence of Dr. T. Edmondson, Jr., Baltimore,
Md. (Magazine of Horticulture 5: 374)
“Attached to the garden is a green-house, hothouse
*Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1840, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. ([1840] 1971: 261–63)
and conservatory, with a blank roof in the
old style: this is made use of to preserve a number
of large old lemon and orange trees.
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1840, describing
:“In front of the house is a lawn, containing five or six acres of ground, with a serpentine walk around it, fringed with shrubbery, and planted with poplars. On each side of the lawn stands a garden; the one on the right is a flower-garden, and contains two green-houses, (one built by General Washington, the other by Judge Washington,) a hot-house, and a pinery. It is laid out in handsome walks, with box wood borders, remarkable for their beauty. It contains also a quantity of fig-trees, producing excellent fruit. The other is a kitchen-garden, containing only fruit and vegetables. . . .
Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington,  
:“At the extremity of these extensive alleys and pleasure-grounds, ornamented with fruit-trees and shrubbery, and clothed in perennial verdure, stands two hot-houses, and as many greenhouses, situated in the sunniest part of the garden, and shielded from the northern winds by a long range of wooden buildings for the accommodation of servants. From the air of a frosty December morning, we were suddenly introduced into the tropical climate of these spacious houses, where we long sauntered among the groves of the coffee-tree, lemons and oranges, all in full bearing, regaling our senses with the flowers and odours of spring.  
Fairfax County, Va. ([1840] 1971: 261–63)
:“One of the hot-houses is appropriated entirely to rearing the pine-apple, long rows of which we saw in a flourishing and luxuriant condition. Many bushels of lemons and oranges, of every variety, are annually grown, which, besides furnishing the family with a supply of these fruits at all seasons, are distributed as delicacies to their friends, or used to administer to the comfort of their neighbours in cases of sickness. The coffee-plant thrives well, yields abundantly, and, in quality, is said to be equal to the best Mocha. The branches under which we walked were laden with the fruit, fast advancing to maturity. Among the more rare plants we saw the night-blooming cereas, the guava, aloes of a gigantic growth, the West India plantain, the sweet cassia in bloom, the prickly pear, and many others.”
“In front of the house is a lawn, containing five
or six acres of ground, with a serpentine walk
around it, fringed with shrubbery, and planted with
poplars. On each side of the lawn stands a garden;
the one on the right is a flower-garden, and contains
two green-houses, (one built by General
Washington, the other by Judge Washington,) a
hot-house, and a pinery. It is laid out in handsome
walks, with box wood borders, remarkable for their
beauty. It contains also a quantity of fig-trees,
producing excellent fruit. The other is a kitchen-
garden, containing only fruit and vegetables. . . .
“At the extremity of these extensive alleys and
*Mills, Robert, 23? February 1841, in a letter to Joel R. Poinsett, describing a design for the national Mall, Washington, D.C. (Scott, ed., 1990: n.p.)
pleasure-grounds, ornamented with fruit-trees
and shrubbery, and clothed in perennial verdure,  
stands two hot-houses, and as many greenhouses,  
situated in the sunniest part of the garden,  
and shielded from the northern winds by a long
range of wooden buildings for the accommodation
of servants. From the air of a frosty December
morning, we were suddenly introduced into the
tropical climate of these spacious houses, where
we long sauntered among the groves of the coffee-
tree, lemons and oranges, all in full bearing, regaling
our senses with the flowers and odours of
“One of the hot-houses is appropriated
:“A range of trees is proposed to surround three sides of the square which is intended to be laid open by an iron or other railing, the north side to be enclosed with a high brick wall to serve as a shelter and to secure the various hot houses and other buildings of an inferior character.”
entirely to rearing the pine-apple, long rows of
which we saw in a flourishing and luxuriant condition.
Many bushels of lemons and oranges, of
every variety, are annually grown, which, besides
furnishing the family with a supply of these fruits
at all seasons, are distributed as delicacies to their
friends, or used to administer to the comfort of
their neighbours in cases of sickness. The coffee-
plant thrives well, yields abundantly, and, in quality,
is said to be equal to the best Mocha. The
branches under which we walked were laden with
the fruit, fast advancing to maturity. Among the
more rare plants we saw the night-blooming
cereas, the guava, aloes of a gigantic growth, the
West India plantain, the sweet cassia in bloom, the
prickly pear, and many others.”
Mills, Robert, 23? February 1841, in a letter to  
*Hovey, C. M., October 1841, “Notes made during a Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c.,describing the residence of J. A. Perry, New York, N.Y. (Magazine of Horticulture 7: 367–68)  
Joel R. Poinsett, describing a design for the  
national Mall, Washington, D.C. (Scott, ed., 1990:  
“A range of trees is proposed to surround
:“The conservatory, forming one wing of the house, and the hot-house, we have before described, (Vol. V., p. 30.) Since then, there has been a palm-house added, which is one of the most lofty structures, as well as the only one, we believe, devoted to that peculiar purpose, in the country. It is the principal object of attraction, and connects the green-house and hot-house together, being built between the two. It is sixty feet long, and thirty-one wide, and twenty-eight feet high in the centre. It is built with a span roof, and side-sashes, which reach to the ground. The side lights are double, in order to keep out the cold air in winter, as it would require a great consumption of fuel, unless double sashes or outside shutters were used.
three sides of the square which is intended to be
:“The interior arrangements of the palm-house are simply a large bed in the centre, with a walk of four feet wide all round it. The hot-water pipes, three in number, occupy one side of the walk. The palms, and other plants, are planted out in the bed, and presented a most vigorous and thrifty appearance.”  
laid open by an iron or other railing, the north
side to be enclosed with a high brick wall to serve
as a shelter and to secure the various hot houses
and other buildings of an inferior character.”  
Hovey, C. M., October 1841, “Notes made during
a Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
&c.,” describing the residence of J. A. Perry, New
York, N.Y. (Magazine of Horticulture 7: 367–68)
“The conservatory, forming one wing of the
*Hovey, C. M., April 1842, “Notes made during a Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c.,” describing the grounds of Robert Buist’s City Nursery and Greenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa. (Magazine of Horticulture 8: 124)
house, and the hot-house, we have before
described, (Vol. V., p. 30.) Since then, there has
been a palm-house added, which is one of the
most lofty structures, as well as the only one, we
believe, devoted to that peculiar purpose, in the  
country. It is the principal object of attraction,
and connects the green-house and hot-house
together, being built between the two. It is sixty
feet long, and thirty-one wide, and twenty-eight
feet high in the centre. It is built with a span roof,
and side-sashes, which reach to the ground. The
side lights are double, in order to keep out the
cold air in winter, as it would require a great consumption
of fuel, unless double sashes or outside
shutters were used.
“The interior arrangements of the palm-house  
:“On it is a green-house, forty feet long; a camellia-house facing the north, forty feet; a hothouse, forty feet; and a geranium-house; about forty feet, the whole being a connected range. In addition to this, there is a rose-house, lately erected, about forty feet long. The whole we found well filled, for the season of the year, with a choice collection of healthy and well grown plants. The camellias were in excellent health; they are kept in the house the year round.” [Fig. 7]
are simply a large bed in the centre, with a walk of
four feet wide all round it. The hot-water pipes,  
three in number, occupy one side of the walk. The
palms, and other plants, are planted out in the  
bed, and presented a most vigorous and thrifty
Hovey, C. M., April 1842, “Notes made during a
Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c.,”
describing the grounds of Robert Buist’s City
Nursery and Greenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa.
(Magazine of Horticulture 8: 124)
“On it is a green-house, forty feet long; a
*Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,” describing Bellmont Place, residence of John Perkins Cushing, Watertown, Mass. (Horticulturist 7: 127–28)
camellia-house facing the north, forty feet; a hothouse,
forty feet; and a geranium-house; about
forty feet, the whole being a connected range. In
addition to this, there is a rose-house, lately
erected, about forty feet long. The whole we found
well filled, for the season of the year, with a choice
collection of healthy and well grown plants. The
camellias were in excellent health; they are kept in
the house the year round.” [Fig. 7]
Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on  
:“The principal feature of this place is the fine range of hot-houses, which are erected within an enclosure surrounded by a brick wall, and finely trellised for training fruit trees on its ample surface. There is a fine range of hot-houses on the southern wall, some three hundred feet long, with inferior ranges on the eastern and western walls for peaches. The conservatory, in the center, is a noble house, though somewhat badly arranged with regard to plant growing; yet the effect is good, where the plants are nicely arranged on the stages, and covered with bloom, as was the case during our visit.
Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,
describing Bellmont Place, residence of John
Perkins Cushing, Watertown, Mass. (Horticulturist
7: 127–28)
“The principal feature of this place is the fine
range of hot-houses, which are erected within an
enclosure surrounded by a brick wall, and finely
trellised for training fruit trees on its ample surface.
There is a fine range of hot-houses on the
southern wall, some three hundred feet long, with
inferior ranges on the eastern and western walls
for peaches. The conservatory, in the center, is a
noble house, though somewhat badly arranged
with regard to plant growing; yet the effect is
good, where the plants are nicely arranged on the
stages, and covered with bloom, as was the case
during our visit.”
Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on  
*Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,” describing Oakley Place, seat of William Pratt, Boston, Mass. (Horticulturist 7: 127)  
Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,”  
describing Oakley Place, seat of William Pratt,  
Boston, Mass. (Horticulturist 7: 127)  
“The hot-houses [of Oakley Place] here are in  
:“The hot-houses [of Oakley Place] here are in excellent order, and a summer plant house was erected last year for arranging the camellias in during the summer months. This novel structure is perfectly unique, having the plan and elevation of a common span roofed green-house, but covered roof and sides with slats (narrow strips of boards) two inches wide, diamond fashion. This is a most useful house, as it shades the plants from the hot sun, yet admits sufficient air and light to enable them to mature their growth and buds.”
excellent order, and a summer plant house was  
erected last year for arranging the camellias in  
during the summer months. This novel structure  
is perfectly unique, having the plan and elevation  
of a common span roofed green-house, but covered  
roof and sides with slats (narrow strips of  
boards) two inches wide, diamond fashion. This is  
a most useful house, as it shades the plants from  
the hot sun, yet admits sufficient air and light to  
enable them to mature their growth and buds.”

Revision as of 17:10, April 1, 2015


The hothouse, or hot house, was a plant- keeping structure that provided enough heat to permit the cultivation of tropical and semi-tropical plants in temperate climates. The hothouse often formed part of a greenhouse [Figs. 1 and 2], although very often the terms were used synonymously and interchangeably with “conservatory.” Bernard M’Mahon (1806) wrote that the difference between a greenhouse and hothouse was that a greenhouse had only enough artificial heat to “keep off frost and dispel damps,” whereas the latter had an interior stove and was covered in more glass (see Conservatory, Greenhouse, and Orangery).

An area’s climactic zone determined the extent to which a heating system was necessary. Heat could be generated in several ways. Dry heating systems included charcoal fires contained in metal pots and wheelbarrows that were placed within the hothouse to give off warmth. More sophisticated hypocaust systems used cellar boilers that circulated heat through flues. This latter type, which was developed by the ancient Romans, has been found in archaeological sites in Maryland, dating as early as around 1730.1 John Evelyn, in his 1693 translation of Jean de La Quintinie, suggested caking the back wall of a hothouse with a thick layer of dry dung, fixed in place with wooden lathes. This technique, or a related one that called for manure piles to be placed under the benches, could let off heat as the manure decomposed. Perfected in the early 1820s, a wet-air or steam system circulated heated water through pipes placed underneath benches. Opening and closing these water pipes allowed the regulation of heat. This kind of system, however, was considered a luxury until the late nineteenth century. A hothouse could also be built as a lean-to glasshouse, thus benefiting from the heating system of the main house, to which it was attached [Fig. 3].

In the early to mid-nineteenth century, as fashions changed regarding the choice of certain plants, specialized hothouses were built and named accordingly. For example, the grapery or vinery, the peachery, pinery (for pineapples), palm house, rose house, camellia house, and geranium house, were built according to the specific heating and lighting requirements of each plant type.

-- Therese O'Malley



  • Redwood, Abraham, Jr., c. 1760, in a letter to his plantation manager,describing Redwood Farm, seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr., Portsmouth, R.I. (Rhode Island Landscape Survey)
“I would desire you send to me one hhd of good rum and one hhd of good sugar and I desire that you speak to your overseer to put up in Durt one dozen of Small orange Trees that has bore one or two years with the young fruit upon them, if to be had that has bore two or three years of Saffadella trees, four young figg trees and some Guavas roots, to put in my greenhouse, for I have made a garden of 1 1/2 acres of land and I have built a green house twenty-two feet long, Twelve feet wide and Twelve feet high, and a hotte house Sixteen feet long Twelve feet wide and Twelve feet high, and I have growing in my greenhouse Fifty young fruit trees from six inches to four feet high, and my Gardner says ye largest will not bear fruit these two years, and I have hotte house Strawberries, Bush beans and Crownations in Blossom.”

  • Drowne, Samuel, 24 June 1767, describing Redwood Farm, seat of Abraham Redwood, Jr., Portsmouth, R.I. (Rhode Island Landscape Survey)
“Mr. Redwood’s garden . . . is one of the finest gardens I ever saw in my life. In it grows all sorts of West Indian fruits, viz: Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Pineapples, and Tamarinds and other sorts. It has also West Indian flowers—very pretty ones— and a fine summer house. It was told my father that the man that took care of the garden had above 100 dollars per annum. It had Hot Houses where things that are tender are put for the winter, and hot beds for the West India Fruit. I saw one or two of these gardens in coming from the beach.”

  • Vaughan, Samuel, 1787, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton 1985: 142)
“Before the front of the house . . . there are lawns, surrounded with gravel walks 19 feet wide. with trees on each side the larger, for shade. outside the walks trees & shrubberies. Parralel [sic] to each exterior side a Kitchen Gardens. with a stately hot house on one side.” [Fig. 4]

  • Hamilton, William, 1789, in a letter to his secretary, Benjamin Hays Smith, describing the Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton, near Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Madsen 1988: A4)
“In my Hurry at the time of coming off from Home I omitted to put in the ground the exotic Bulbous roots & as I gave no direction to Hilton respecting them they may suffer more especially as they were all taken out of the pots & left dry on the Back flue of the Hot House.”

  • Bentley, William, 12 June 1791, describing Pleasant Hill, seat of Joseph Barrell, Charlestown, Mass. (1962: 1:264)
“[June] 12. Was politely received at dinner by Mr Barrell, & family, who shewed me his large & elegant arrangements for amusement, & philosophic experiments. . . . His Garden is beyond any example I have seen. . . . Below is

the Hot House. In the apartment above are his flowers admitted more freely to the air, & above a Summer House with every convenience. . . . No expense is spared to render the whole amusing, instructive, & friendly.”

  • Anonymous, 1798, describing Mount Airy, property of John Tayloe II, Richmond County, Va. (quoted in Lounsbury 1994: 184)
“[Tayloe constructed a] ‘Green & Hot house’ for £150; the smaller hothouses were attached to each side of the larger greenhouse.”

  • Booth, William, 1799, describing in the Federal Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser a sale of botanical rarities in Baltimore (quoted in Sarudy 1989:115)
“To Botanists, Gardeners and Florists, and to all other gentlemen, curious in ornamental, rare exotic or foreign plants and flowers, cultivated in the greenhouse, hot-house, or stove, and in the open ground. A large and numerous variety of such rarities is now offered for sale.”

  • Searson, John, 1799, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. (quoted in Norton and Schrage-Norton 1985: 49)
“The gardens beautiful this time of year Requites the husbandman for all his care But, see with wonder, said my roving mind, A hot-house here a stranger soon will find: Hundreds of flow’rs and herbs you here may see That in a common garden cannot be.”

  • Bentley, William, 19 June 1800, describing Elias Hasket Derby Farm, Peabody, Mass. (1962: 2:341–42)
“19. . . . Stopped at Mr. Derby’s Garden in which we experienced the utmost attention of Mr. Heusler the Gardener. He first fed us with Cherries, & Strawberries, & then exhibited the Luxuries of the place. We saw Lemons growingin the Hot House. A great variety of the Aloe plant was shewn to us. We were shewn 5 species of the Geranium. We saw the prickly pear in flower, & received some of the flowers. I brought away a specimen of the Roof House leek, which was a beautiful species.”

  • Clitherall, Eliza Caroline Burgwin (Caroline Elizabeth Burgwin), active 1801, describing a garden in Wilmington, N.C. (Lower Cape Fear Historical Society, Autobiography and Diary of Mrs. Eliza Clitherall, 2:1–3)
“The Gardens were large, laid out in the English style—a Creek would thro’ the largest, upon its banks grew native shrubbery; in this Garden were several Alcoves, Summer Houses, a hothouse—an Octagon summer house.”

  • Anonymous, 30 January 1804, describing possibly Vauxhall Garden, in New York, N.Y. (New York Gazette & General Advertiser)
“To be let. . . . The land contains about 3 acres, on which is a great variety of fruit of the best quality, a hot-house, etc. and is in every respect well calculated for a gardener, or a summer residence.” [Fig. 5]

  • Hosack, David, 1806, describing Elgin Botanic Garden, New York, N.Y. (pp. 3–4)
“In the year 1801 I purchased, of the Corporation of the city of New-York, twenty acres of ground; the greater part of which is now in cultivation. Since that time . . . two Hot-Houses are now erecting for the preservation of those plants which require a greater degree of heat.”

  • Drayton, Charles, 2 November 1806, describing the Woodlands, seat of William Hamilton, near Philadelphia, Pa. (Drayton Hall, Charles Drayton Diaries, 1784–1820, typescript)
“[There is] a Spacious Conservatory [located]

about 200 years [sic] to the west of the Mansion.

“The Conservatory consists of a green house, & 2 hot houses—one being at each end of it. The green house may be about 50 feet long. The front only is glazed. Scaffolds are erected one higher than another, on which the plants in pots or tubs are planted so that it represents a declivity of a mountain. at each end are Step-ladders, for the purposes of going on each Stage to water the plants—& to a walk at the back-wall. on the floor a walk of 5 or 6 feet extends along the glazed wall. & at each end a door opens into an Hot house— so that a long walk extends in one line along the Stove walls to the houses & the glazed wall of the green house.
“The Hot houses, they may extend in front I suppose 40 feet each. they have a wall heated by flues—& 3 glazed walls & a glazed roof each. in the centre, a frame of wood is raised about 2 1/2 feet high, & occupying the whole area except leaving a passage along by the walls. in the flue wall or adjoining, is a cistern for tropic aquatic plants. within the frame, is composed a hot bed; into which the pots & tubs with plants are plunged. This Conservatory is said to be equal to any in Europe. It contains between 7 & 8000 plants. To this the Professor of botany is permitted to resort, with his Pupils occasionally. As the position of many plants require external exposure in the Summer Season that also is contrived with much ingenuity & beauty. there are 2 large oval grass plats in front of the Conservatory—& 2 behind. holes are nicely made in these, to receive pots & tubs with their plants, even to their rims. the tallest are placed in the centre, & decreasing to the verge. thus they represent a miniature hill clothed with choice vegetation.”

  • Memorial of the Columbian Institute, December 1818, describing the Columbian Institute, Washington, D.C. (quoted in O’Malley 1989: 123)
“[Columbian Institute lottery for] enclosing the grounds, for the erection of their hall—their laboratory—their hot and green houses,—their library and museum, and for the cultivation of the botanic garden, wherein they hoped ‘to soon present to the view of their fellow citizens specimens of all the plants of this middle region of our country, with others exotic and domestic . . . for the promotion of a great national object. . . .”

  • Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 26 December 1829, describing D. and C. Landreth’s Nursery on Federal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore 1954: 355)
“Rode out to Landreths Nursery and passed through his hot house [which contained] a number of dwarf Orange & Lemon trees in fruit, a few Camelia, Japonicas in Bloom.” [Fig. 6]

  • Wailes, Benjamin L. C., 29 December 1829, describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Moore 1954: 359–60)
“the hot house is said to be the largest in the US. It is filled to overflowing with the choicest Exotics: the Chaddock Orange of different kinds & the Lemon loaded with fruit. There are two coffee trees with their berries. Some few shrubs were in flower & others seeded, & I was politely furnished with a few seed of 2 varieties of flowers (Myrtle & an accacia). In front of the hot house, one at each end, is a Lion of marble, well executed, & a dog in front. On the roof is a range of marble busts.”

  • Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 1830, describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (quoted in Boyd 1929: 432)
“The treasures contained in the hot and green houses are numerous. Besides a very fine collection of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, Bergamot, Pomgranate and Fig trees in excellent condition and full of fruit, we notice with admiration the many thousand of exotics to which Mr. Pratt is annually adding. The most conspicuous among these, are the tea tree; the coffee tree—loaded with fruit; the sugar cane; the pepper tree; Banana, Plantain, Guva, Cherimona, Ficus, Mango, the Cacti in great splendour, some 14 feet high, and a gigantic Euphorbia Trigonia—19 years old, and 13 feet high. The green houses are 220 feet long by 16 broad; exhibiting the finest range of glass for the preservation of plants, on this continent. . . .
“Mr. Pratt’s are furnished with the rarest productions of every clime, so that the committee place the conservatory of Lemon Hill at the very head of all similar establishments in this country.”

  • Forman, Martha Ogle, 12 October 1830, describing Rose Hill, home of Martha Ogle For-man, Baltimore County, Md. (1976: 292)
“I rode out with Mrs. Longstreeth to her country seat. I was very much pleased they have a very spacious house handsomely furnished, an elegant green house and hot house and all the grounds in beautiful order.”

  • Thacher, James, 3 December 1830, “An Excursion on the Hudson,” describing Hyde Park, seat of Dr. David Hosack, on the Hudson River, N.Y. (New England Farmer 9: 156)
“At an equal distance south, is to be seen the green house and hot house, a spacious edifice, constructed with great architectural taste and elegance, and well calculated for the preservation of the most tender exotics that require protection in our climate. It is composed of a centre and two wings, extending 110 feet in front and from 17 to 20 feet deep. One apartment is appropriated to a large collection of pines.”

  • Downing, A. J., January 1837, “Notices on the State and Progress of Horticulture in the United States,” describing Lemon Hill, estate of Henry Pratt, Philadelphia, Pa. (Magazine of Horticulture 3: 4)
“For a long time the grounds of Mr. Pratt, at Lemon Hill, near Philadelphia, have been considered the show-garden of that city: and the proprietor, with a praiseworthy spirit, opening his long-shaded walks, cool grottoes, jets d’eau, and the superb range of hot-houses, to the inspection of the citizens, contributed in a wonderful degree to improve the taste of the inhabitants, and to inspire them with a desire to possess the more beautiful and delicate productions of nature.”

  • Hovey, C. M., October 1839, “Some Remarks upon several Gardens and Nurseries in Providence, Burlington, (N.J.) and Baltimore,” describing the residence of Dr. T. Edmondson, Jr., Baltimore, Md. (Magazine of Horticulture 5: 374)
“Attached to the garden is a green-house, hothouse and conservatory, with a blank roof in the old style: this is made use of to preserve a number of large old lemon and orange trees.”

  • Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1840, describing Mount Vernon, plantation of George Washington, Fairfax County, Va. ([1840] 1971: 261–63)
“In front of the house is a lawn, containing five or six acres of ground, with a serpentine walk around it, fringed with shrubbery, and planted with poplars. On each side of the lawn stands a garden; the one on the right is a flower-garden, and contains two green-houses, (one built by General Washington, the other by Judge Washington,) a hot-house, and a pinery. It is laid out in handsome walks, with box wood borders, remarkable for their beauty. It contains also a quantity of fig-trees, producing excellent fruit. The other is a kitchen-garden, containing only fruit and vegetables. . . .
“At the extremity of these extensive alleys and pleasure-grounds, ornamented with fruit-trees and shrubbery, and clothed in perennial verdure, stands two hot-houses, and as many greenhouses, situated in the sunniest part of the garden, and shielded from the northern winds by a long range of wooden buildings for the accommodation of servants. From the air of a frosty December morning, we were suddenly introduced into the tropical climate of these spacious houses, where we long sauntered among the groves of the coffee-tree, lemons and oranges, all in full bearing, regaling our senses with the flowers and odours of spring.
“One of the hot-houses is appropriated entirely to rearing the pine-apple, long rows of which we saw in a flourishing and luxuriant condition. Many bushels of lemons and oranges, of every variety, are annually grown, which, besides furnishing the family with a supply of these fruits at all seasons, are distributed as delicacies to their friends, or used to administer to the comfort of their neighbours in cases of sickness. The coffee-plant thrives well, yields abundantly, and, in quality, is said to be equal to the best Mocha. The branches under which we walked were laden with the fruit, fast advancing to maturity. Among the more rare plants we saw the night-blooming cereas, the guava, aloes of a gigantic growth, the West India plantain, the sweet cassia in bloom, the prickly pear, and many others.”

  • Mills, Robert, 23? February 1841, in a letter to Joel R. Poinsett, describing a design for the national Mall, Washington, D.C. (Scott, ed., 1990: n.p.)
“A range of trees is proposed to surround three sides of the square which is intended to be laid open by an iron or other railing, the north side to be enclosed with a high brick wall to serve as a shelter and to secure the various hot houses and other buildings of an inferior character.”

  • Hovey, C. M., October 1841, “Notes made during a Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c.,” describing the residence of J. A. Perry, New York, N.Y. (Magazine of Horticulture 7: 367–68)
“The conservatory, forming one wing of the house, and the hot-house, we have before described, (Vol. V., p. 30.) Since then, there has been a palm-house added, which is one of the most lofty structures, as well as the only one, we believe, devoted to that peculiar purpose, in the country. It is the principal object of attraction, and connects the green-house and hot-house together, being built between the two. It is sixty feet long, and thirty-one wide, and twenty-eight feet high in the centre. It is built with a span roof, and side-sashes, which reach to the ground. The side lights are double, in order to keep out the cold air in winter, as it would require a great consumption of fuel, unless double sashes or outside shutters were used.
“The interior arrangements of the palm-house are simply a large bed in the centre, with a walk of four feet wide all round it. The hot-water pipes, three in number, occupy one side of the walk. The palms, and other plants, are planted out in the bed, and presented a most vigorous and thrifty appearance.”

  • Hovey, C. M., April 1842, “Notes made during a Visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c.,” describing the grounds of Robert Buist’s City Nursery and Greenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa. (Magazine of Horticulture 8: 124)
“On it is a green-house, forty feet long; a camellia-house facing the north, forty feet; a hothouse, forty feet; and a geranium-house; about forty feet, the whole being a connected range. In addition to this, there is a rose-house, lately erected, about forty feet long. The whole we found well filled, for the season of the year, with a choice collection of healthy and well grown plants. The camellias were in excellent health; they are kept in the house the year round.” [Fig. 7]

  • Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,” describing Bellmont Place, residence of John Perkins Cushing, Watertown, Mass. (Horticulturist 7: 127–28)
“The principal feature of this place is the fine range of hot-houses, which are erected within an enclosure surrounded by a brick wall, and finely trellised for training fruit trees on its ample surface. There is a fine range of hot-houses on the southern wall, some three hundred feet long, with inferior ranges on the eastern and western walls for peaches. The conservatory, in the center, is a noble house, though somewhat badly arranged with regard to plant growing; yet the effect is good, where the plants are nicely arranged on the stages, and covered with bloom, as was the case during our visit.”

  • Horticola [pseud.], March 1852, “Notes on Gardens and Country Seats Near Boston,” describing Oakley Place, seat of William Pratt, Boston, Mass. (Horticulturist 7: 127)
“The hot-houses [of Oakley Place] here are in excellent order, and a summer plant house was erected last year for arranging the camellias in during the summer months. This novel structure is perfectly unique, having the plan and elevation of a common span roofed green-house, but covered roof and sides with slats (narrow strips of boards) two inches wide, diamond fashion. This is a most useful house, as it shades the plants from the hot sun, yet admits sufficient air and light to enable them to mature their growth and buds.”




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